I'm freaking out man!


Well-Known Member
I have been having these "episodes", where I can also feel my veins pulsing and throbbing. This happens around my temple area, my right wrist, left and right arm pit and by my triceps and I can sometimes feel a prickle in my fingers I also have these weird piercing almost shooting pain go through my chest I can kinda feel like there is a vein there also going with tons of pressure I went to the ER at one point and they gave me some medicine to get my blood pressure down it was very high they said at around 170, which I learned is very no bueno.

I am not sure what is up. The docs don't really have much of an answer for me and have just done blood tests for a few things, all came back ok, and a cat scan was ok too.

I "think", and I say it in "" because I am not sure what to think anymore. My head is going crazy, I worry about so much shit that I shouldn't worry about and can't seem to get it out of my head It seems that the more I focus on the pain it just keeps getting worse. Sometimes I get these prickly pains what I would say is my brain area or whatever it may be. maybe around the scalp

I think some of this has to do with work and stress. I also love to take a ride with mary jane, but lately it has kicked my ass because I "think" I developed an ulcer or something of that nature at least that's what a doc had mentioned, and when I take a hit my stomach starts to go crazy.

Though this doesn't happen when I smoke regular smokes. It only seems to happen to me when I am mostly alone and don't do anything but think. If I am with someone it's not too bad, or not at all.

I also sometimes see a cloud of smoke or waves in the air.

I used to get migraines a lot when I was younger but hadn't had to much issues until recently. When I get them I am sensitive to light, though I am always sensitive to smell and get migraines from certain smells such as paint thinners.

I have no idea what's going on and I dislike this feeling because these small prickly and vision Not sure if anyone else may have this out there or anyone else care to comment.

I am going nuts over here, I'm trying to stay calm but my damn mind just keeps spinning around in circles trying to think what this could be and it just goes worse. argg..

I am gonna try the yoga a bit more and look for a less stressful job, though i think i make it a stressful situation anyone have any ideas? I'm sure I am not giving enough info, but that's all that I was able to put down .. it's probably just me going cucu nuts over here, but anyone care to comment on my crazyness?


Multiple sclerosis or a Tumor---sorry.

lol, thanks a lot, got that checked out.. no brain tumors.. had a cat scan done yesterday.

it's not something that has been on going or has happened many times before, just started about 3 months ago. they aren't bad, and I just feel like i'm going nuts. i feel like my brains veins are popping or my scalp is moving.. could just be the weed and my overthinking.
Sounds like high blood pressure. 170 over what or was the bottom number 170?

it was ~170/~140 something. I got a BP monitor now and trying to keep myself calm when it starts to go up, but I'm starting to make connections between the times it goes up and what's going on around me and in my head.
but what is causing the high blood pressure? If that's her in the avatar there's no way she should have high blood pressure.
Do you know what your blood pressure is? If not, go to Walmart and get it checked. It sounds like high blood pressure or you are teetering on a migraine. Either way I would have it checked out. If it is high blood pressure, you can easily help that with medication and the same can be said for migraines. I, personally would not let it go until you find out what it is.:peace:
tumors can be really small and unnoticeable. They can wrap around your spine and for the doctors to find it they have to be looking specifically for it. MS gives those symptoms all the time---my favorite diagnosis.
Multiple sclerosis or a Tumor---sorry.

damn dude.. i'm tripping now... got me thinking of this shit, does really help on a mind that is going nuts ya know!!..

still though I don't think this is it, though I do have muscle spasms and some of those symptoms are there. dunno either way, going to a neuro doc this next week to keep up on this, it blows, smoking is so much fun, though it hasn't been these last several times. :(
don't smoke on an empty stomach...

never though of that.

but what is causing the high blood pressure? If that's her in the avatar there's no way she should have high blood pressure.

i think stress and my thoughts are causing the pressure, the avatar is just my avatar.. it's the net ya know.. not, lol.. though I do know her :)
btw.. that's for all the responses, i didn't think i'd get these many and a nice conversation on this subject. :)
do u excersise and eat healthy these days?
try some yoga or walking.
or if you're fit then do something more vigorous.
What I would be concerned with is the blood pressure. I don't know if the reading was the systolic or diastolic but either way it is high.
thank you doc, will look for a second opinion.

can you still smoke if you have MS?

I am not a Dr. and would never claim to be.I do have some good advice though.... we you find yourself getting wound up and pain starting to flip you out.... you need to relax and focus on something else. I have found... from experience..... that breathing properly helps. The good old fashion breathe in slowly and breathe out slowly... while concentrating on your air intake and exhale.

Finding a focus helps..... I sometimes have to talk myself through many things.

As for MS or brain tumor.... an MRI can detect these things. And sometimes you may need to find out other ways. But I would not allow myself to go to these places yet... especially if your problem is high blood pressure. You will be giving yourself a stroke... last thing you need is another thing to get worked up over.

Whatever it is..... you will be fine and face it head on. Trust me.... you'll find strength that you never even knew you had.

If you want to continue to smoke and it seems to be bothering you or making things worse.... set yourself up in situation to relax with it. Good, calm music.... some good food in your stomach...... maybe a great funny movie. Make it what you want it to be.

Truly the way you deal with things helps..... when dealing with any physical, mental, emotional problems. Good luck.

Take a deep breath and carry on.
