Well-Known Member
do u excersise and eat healthy these days?
try some yoga or walking.
or if you're fit then do something more vigorous.
I do and have been, though in the past year i've not been able to as much as i used to because of work. I used to jog every other day a couple of miles, eat fruits, veggies, yogurt, good stuff ya know!, but in the past year, i've seen meself get like this, during this time i've had more stress put more shit on my plate and have not been able to work out as much as i used to.
I'm actually about to go on a bike ride in a bit, i've been trying to get back into a good work out schedule.
I love the yoga bit and walking does seem to help, at least it keeps me moving and my mind in motion too!
I mostly think this is psychological because i've been going through a lot of mind/though changing ideas as of he past year and couple of years..
it started with my stomach going crazy about 6 months ago. then it got a bit more and in my head it also go worse, cuz i just kept thinking bad shit, thoughts=reality type thing ya know.
now it's been a trial getting these thoughts out, but they are coming out slowly but surely..
time to get this out of my head.. so i came back to where the real stuff is at.. toke n talk.