I'm going Back To Mexico


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
will fin give the old reach around ?[video=youtube;eeyy1t47wiQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeyy1t47wiQ[/video]
The real question is could he suck a golf ball through a straw and keep his gig line straight ::snicker:: oh yeah and then just speak back, just once.... ah a girl can dream.


lol curiosu2garden the quote in your sig is funny, isnt sexual assault and rape essentially the same thing? rap is just a seriou sexual assault i thought am i wrong?

Rastafari InI

Active Member
Hahahah this thread is just getting more and more stupid, tis quite funny tho.

And finny finnagan does it not impress you that even I who joined this site no longer than 2months know your the joke of RIU. I mean honestly do I even exist does anyone albeit finshaggy exist? It's pretty common knowledge that the current galaxy that we live in, dubbed 'the milky way' revolves around finshaggy.

Hopefully you'll find many like-minded intresting variaties of homosapiens that will help you in you quest to lose your virginity. I was thinking many of the Juarez locals would be more than happy to go half's on a rape charge with you.

I just though of this now. Your just like virginity everyone wants to lose you as quick as possible so you never come back.

I don't actually care for hating people but you are still wierd and way too Egocentrical.

Anyway peace I Don't wish ill on anyone so have a nice life in Mexico just don't come back.


Well-Known Member
8 pages of shit in response to a troll, little wonder why he continually starts these threads.


Well-Known Member
When you fits laugh at this guy, who is it for and why when he knows how you already feel?

I think you people may be insane...
I do it because it gives me an erection
He gets me really mad when he doesn't respond to my requests for help but then i make fun of him and laugh and wait for likes on my posts and responses and the laughing and waiting being angry at fin for not helping all combine to give me a raging erection and then I give it a hate tug real rough like


Well-Known Member
When you guys laugh at this guy, who is it for and why when he knows how you already feel?

I think you people may be insane...
Why do you care so much about what we do or say to or about faggy?

And when we laugh or whatever who do you think it's for? It's for our own entertainment... faggy threads are classic and no thanks to him, some of the things that these members come up with are priceless,
Besides if it's not him then some other dipshit will get it (Kaendar for example)
So if you don't want to be the next victim I suggest you stfu before these fuckers come after you and your sister, if she's hot of course


New Member
Why do you care so much about what we do or say to or about faggy?

And when we laugh or whatever who do you think it's for? It's for our own entertainment... faggy threads are classic and no thanks to him, some of the things that these members come up with are priceless,
Besides if it's not him then some other dipshit will get it (Kaendar for example)
So if you don't want to be the next victim I suggest you stfu before these fuckers come after you and your sister, if she's hot of course

calm down

Autistic Austin

New Member
Why do you care so much about what we do or say to or about faggy?

And when we laugh or whatever who do you think it's for? It's for our own entertainment... faggy threads are classic and no thanks to him, some of the things that these members come up with are priceless,
Besides if it's not him then some other dipshit will get it (Kaendar for example)
So if you don't want to be the next victim I suggest you stfu before these fuckers come after you and your sister, if she's hot of courSE

You sound pretty angry for a stoner. So this is for your own entertainment? Good, it's nice to see people accept this, (most ignore it), so I applaud this.

So this is all like an MTV reality show, you know it's scripted, but you cannot help yourselves, almost like an addiction of some sort.

Ahh, typical human behaviors, fascinate me.


Well-Known Member
i would do femspermy on a beach in mexico. it would be glorious.

I would say, I'll pull out, but then I wouldn't i'd push all the way in and hold it there while blasting as much as I could all in her and then i'd roll over and go to sleep