Anybody friends with a professional stripper?
That's where they're gonna show up.
Just sayin.
That's where they're gonna show up.
Just sayin.
Anybody friends with a professional stripper?
That's where they're gonna show up.
Just sayin.
loladult newspaper with ads in it that could only be found in the 'adult' section of town.
If pins ruth what's that make you ? Ricky Henderson ?lol
I found a dollar in a parking lot this morning. No Tillman signature.
I have a family member that handles thousands of dollars a day........we'll keep our eyes out up in northern vermont, yeah yeah i know but you'd be surprised what makes its way up here lmao!Deceiving title I know . Right now I have distributed 30 $1 bills. I'm on the East Coast and very curious to see how far they make it and how fast .
The average person isn't going to know what it is but hell we get one person to log on sign up and tell about them finding it and I'm satisfied. I'm more interested for when @srh88 finds it or another member.
You find one post it! View attachment 3823281 View attachment 3823282