I'm going to have to kill my baby.

That setup looks like a rube goldberg, it's no wonder she figured it out. If you don't need much do a PC grow. Otherise get a tent and tuck it in the basement somewhere.


Well-Known Member
No one is gonna bust your ass over two little plants
Actualy, a single plant in some countries is worse death sentance.... Honduras for example, where you can receive 20+ years prison time for a single plant....

Most of these countries, Prison = Death.... a slow and painful one at that. sometimes marijuana is just not worth it.....


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I am not sure how you can have this whole like alternate lifestyle she doesn't know about, and you have to think and decide if you are willing to risk her as well as yourself for the plants if the penalties are so very strict...so...I think you made the right decision.I know it was hard...


Well-Known Member
im sure MANY of us are thinking the same thing. for a stoner to keep smoking pot from his WIFE, that has to be hard.... seriously man, WTF?

i want like a wtory write up of how this happened, im sure it would be an interesting read :D


New Member
I thought it was 13-14 years old where your dumb enough to belive that you can hide a cannabis grow in a closet and noone else who lives with you will find out.I did go through this phase myself back then ,how naive i was, i never tried it of course but i always dreamed of getting away with it.Now i live with my gf who dosnt smoke ,doesnt agree with me growing ,but tolerates it because i mean so much to her ,she even agrees its a very beautiful plant.If your wife is not approving she at least has to be tolerant or else it is not much of a relationship.


Active Member
Haha great title!! Wish I could like 420's picture couple pages back.. Just tell her to have a coke and a smile, it's gods garden if she's religious


Well, I just wanted someone to know about it, because it sucks and I cant really talk to anyone about it, so I started a thread. anyways, thanks guys for the bashing I've learned from my mistake. I've put everything inside a box so anytime I want to start over i'll just need some soil and seeds. I've decided that I'm not going to tell her so, whatever, say what you want. I know my setup was a bit too much for stealth, but I was hoping for big plants. I guess i'll just have to pay my dealer for a while longer :twisted:Buahaha:joint:.

Where I live the penalty for cultivation of any amount is 12 years and a fine of $20,000 (US DOLLARS currency equivalent).The newspapers and t.v. are always talking about how authorities caught people with trees and shit. I've heard my wife saying negative comments about people that get caught, while watching t.v. with her, and I'm like wow, if she only knew.

This is it guys, I'll be back with a positive grow journal soon hopefully.
Didn't mean to upset anyone so if you don't like my post f*ck off!


Little trees big trees that's not the problem, I would've grown them without problems if I were alone, the real problem is that I've heard stories about women telling authorities about their man, I know she's not like that, but, are we ever sure?