I'm Going to VEGAS!!!


Well-Known Member
I just think its easy to do. I actually think its more risky asking around for it... bad news. All the expensive alcohol will make up for you not having your mary jane. :-|. Then you will be happy to get home and it will be an awesome first high.
no doubt i always tell who ever is gettin me when i get home at the airport to bring me jizzle...or i rip that bong nasty as soon as I walk in the door


New Member
I just think its easy to do. I actually think its more risky asking around for it... bad news. All the expensive alcohol will make up for you not having your mary jane. :-|. Then you will be happy to get home and it will be an awesome first high.
I really did not want to ask around for it. It just seems taht i am in such favor of medical marijuana I always find a way to bring it up and try to educate people. I am not going until 3/28 so I got a little time to decide. Thanks for the help!


New Member
go w/o then if your wife isnt cool w/ it dont put her in jeopardy like that..im not one of those people who will ask a random stanger if they smoke or can hook me up but if your that down to smoke then ask someone there..plus if your wife isnt down then she is gonna trip about the smell in the room and house keeping coming in and she is going to trip so much it will ruin your high...a lot of times when i go out of town if my destination is going to make it stressful or difficult to smoke w/ family or business I just dont take it id rather enjoy my high then worry about external factors.
Well said!!!


New Member
Bringing weed through an airport isn't worth it. Do it brownies before though, it's pretty cool when flying. And if you don't know anybody where you're going: WeBeHigh.com - Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide With Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status
According to this I should try to go to a young persons party or ask customers in head shops!! there has got to be a better way to get some shit while im in vegas!! I mean its vegas everone wants to party in vegas.


New Member
no doubt i always tell who ever is gettin me when i get home at the airport to bring me jizzle...or i rip that bong nasty as soon as I walk in the door
I leave my car at the airport and just pay the parking fee. No one picks me up so this would not help any!


Well-Known Member
I've used nc's airport's before [im from nc ^^]

my freind put it near his ass,and everything was fine.when we was coming into the airport lobby there was a dog in there,but we only saw it for a brief second because it was going out one of the far exit's.it really freaked us out,but it didnt come back in so everything went smooth

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
If you know anyone out there, even if they dont smoke just ask if you can send them a package via UPS and just grab it from them when you get there. If not try and get an airtight sealer or use one and just seal it all up, wash your hands, and then seal again just to make sure. I've had friends that said that there were no cop dogs in the airport they used for flights and brough weed but there might be. If you can get your hands on an airtight sealer I'd go Hunter S. Thompson style. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


Well-Known Member
dank for all if you havent left yet i know one way to get some when i was there i ran outa dank so i went to the mexicans handing out hooker trading cards they are everywhere you cant mniss them and just asked him in spanish where the weed was and he brought us like a quarter of mids for 60 not a good dela but it was what he brought when he said 60 i figured it would be 8th of dank cuz we didnt talk about size or anything but it got us high that night

if you just cant find it anywhere else that will work


New Member
A couple of good tips. The cab drivers are always a good thing. I will look for the mexicans. If its anything like south carolina they are everywhere!!


New Member
Its getting closer to my trip. I will be staying at ballys not the best place but a good location and the trip is FREE. It looks like I am not going to bring anything and will try to get with a bartender or a cabbie..LOL I just want dank getting some shit weed does not help me much as I will not smoke it. I just get a headache from that brown frown! ANY MORE HELP OUT THERE! Please dont post anything that could get someone that deals in vegas in any trouble, but feel free to PM me!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this was covered. But, just wear two pairs of underwear and stick a quarter in between the two undies. Fuck trying to find some sketchy ass dude to sell you weed. You'll probably end up with schwag, anyways....Underwear has always worked for me. Nobody's going to be touching your dick at the airport.


Well-Known Member
I have a buddy that lives in Vegas- from what he says, you better bring your own green or prepare to pay insane prices from people on the street corners in North Vegas selling the schwaggiest of the schwag.


New Member
Sorry, didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this was covered. But, just wear two pairs of underwear and stick a quarter in between the two undies. Fuck trying to find some sketchy ass dude to sell you weed. You'll probably end up with schwag, anyways....Underwear has always worked for me. Nobody's going to be touching your dick at the airport.
I have done this before but I usually fly out of a smaller airport. this time I am going out of a much larger airport and all it would take is one dog. Do you usually fly from big airports?


New Member
I have a buddy that lives in Vegas- from what he says, you better bring your own green or prepare to pay insane prices from people on the street corners in North Vegas selling the schwaggiest of the schwag.
NO NO NO that sucks!!! I thought they had medical there?