I'm gonna veg a plant for like 5 years


Well-Known Member
You should flower the plant every few months just long enough to make it stretch then put it back into veg. That should make it huge.

I think JB and Miley were cloned by disney from the same genetics that were passed down from the hitler youth programs, that's why they look the same.


Well-Known Member
I just can't tell who I'm more turned on by in the Miley v Justin debate. Similar eyes, plump mouth, full hair, and probably similar butts honestly. I feel like I should take the safer route, the one with less strange penises in them historically, so I'll stick to Ms. Montana.


Well-Known Member
Vegging for five years you'd need a scrog the size of a football stadium. If you could somehow convert one into a greenhouse and use a gas lantern veg routine to keep energy costs down I guess it's possible. It would be pretty awesome to see. Too bad it would only yield about a pound.


Well-Known Member
What if i top it like a million times? I'm going to use sun light then cfl at night like iddk i need to do some math to figure this out.
what if i build a tent with leds a big tent and set like panels of leds like shelfs or that led rope but i can make one
it wouldn't burn it and it would get epic light because i could guide and grow it like a giant vine
like weave it around the lights.
I'm talking building a seriess of scrog nets made out of lights red and blue spec


Active Member
It's kind of just like having a houseplant, except it is MJ. Honestly I would grow MJ as a house plant in Veg if I could, but there is no way besides light to make them have as much light as they need to stay vegetative. Being in CO would mean I could have a girl in Veg as a houseplant hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Maybe possible if you lived where the environment and atmosphere were conductive to doing it outside. Using the sun and supplementing the other time needed with lights, possible.

Years ago when I was in high school there was a big grow discovered out behind the school by the river. The rumor was the plants started from us smoking and dropping seeds, and they were never harvested. They were rumored to be years old, I don't know if this is possible, but an interesting thought. This was in Florida and if the temp. never killed them, and they weren't harvested, could the plants just keep revegging? Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why it couldnt under the right conditions. (Light,temps,ect)
we found a grow awhile back at the highschool from seeds being tossed there


Ursus marijanus
oh, i think that was the second one i read and ended with that one cannabineer, that's the one with a weird pair of sunglasses on the cover, no?
I think so. Idoru was the sequel iirc

i read a more recent Gibson coupla years ago. He's left cyberpunk behind and is doing something that's more like Mafiya club scene with the oddest characters. Not sure if I like it or not.


bud bootlegger
I think so. Idoru was the sequel iirc

i read a more recent Gibson coupla years ago. He's left cyberpunk behind and is doing something that's more like Mafiya club scene with the oddest characters. Not sure if I like it or not.
yes, that's the book i thought it was c/n..

haven't read anything newer of his though.. to hi-jack this thread further, what the hell at this point, lol, you have any sci-fi that you'd recommend?


Ursus marijanus
yes, that's the book i thought it was c/n..

haven't read anything newer of his though.. to hi-jack this thread further, what the hell at this point, lol, you have any sci-fi that you'd recommend?
I forget if we talked about it, but Neal Stephenson? Anathem ... i think it's time for read no. 5.
Lois Bujold's Barrayar series; begin with Shards of Honor. So beautiful how she writes and characterizes. Space opera for grown-ups.
S.M. Stirling's Dies the Fire series. I think there are like ten books; I just wolfed down The Given Sacrifice. Both Bujold and Stirling explore a very credible join between fantasy and hard sci-fi.
If you want to be a bit disturbed, Stephen Baxter (does some wicked good hard sci-fi; think Manifold: Time) did a collab with Arthur Clarke on a retake of the Odyssey universe. What if the Galaxy's gardeners were just a bit too selective for our overall welfare? Time's Eye begins the trilogy.


bud bootlegger
I forget if we talked about it, but Neal Stephenson? Anathem ... i think it's time for read no. 5.
Lois Bujold's Barrayar series; begin with Shards of Honor. So beautiful how she writes and characterizes. Space opera for grown-ups.
S.M. Stirling's Dies the Fire series. I think there are like ten books; I just wolfed down The Given Sacrifice. Both Bujold and Stirling explore a very credible join between fantasy and hard sci-fi.
If you want to be a bit disturbed, Stephen Baxter (does some wicked good hard sci-fi; think Manifold: Time) did a collab with Arthur Clarke on a retake of the Odyssey universe. What if the Galaxy's gardeners were just a bit too selective for our overall welfare? Time's Eye begins the trilogy.
ou must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.

why thank you good sir.. really did hate to continually hi-jack this man's thread, but wanted your info more, lol.. thanks again.. :D