Im high after one day/head twitching

Hi my name is john and im new at the forums
I will keep this very short .
I have used cannabis three times
The first two times were nice and i felt the comedown relaxing.
The third time i took two grain salts worth of hashish(thick salt) with a watterfall bong.
I was higher than ever yesterday but im still high , my burn out state is still present and i fell my head twitching back and forth uncontrolably.
Some people have been like this for months by what ive read on the subject , im really worried about this since
a- I want to toke again
b- Im afraid it can be long lasting permanent or something.
please help me
(dont tell me its in my head it isnt)
No, but I HAVE had unpleasant highs, in my early days of smoking. You should get used to it & begin to enjoy it more with several more uses.. <3
When I first started smoking I would twitch really badly every time and it felt like I was high all the time because I couldn't seem to shake the lag. It does go away. You just have to get your body used to it. Smoke more often.
Some people just can't hang. You said "I fell my head twitching back and forth uncontrably" do you meant you felt your head do that, or you fell on your head and had a seizure? It's sounds like you are over thinking it and need to just relax. This ain't reefer madness, you will be fine.
You have a very low tolerance level, and you smoked hash. Which is very potent. You need to have been smoking for a longer period of time, and you will have more thc in your system. Then you will handle powerfully highs better.
damn i wish i still had those days where i would smoke on monday and by tuesday i would still be high...... now after an hour or two and its gone...
I feel my head twitching slowly back and forth , im writing on my laptop sorry about that .
Its like my head is rocking back and forth making me unbalanced when walking . Im unable to walk a staight line basicly.

  • You have a very low tolerance level, and you smoked hash. Which is very potent. You need to have been smoking for a longer period of time, and you will have more thc in your system. Then you will handle powerfully highs better.​

2 grams of hash are 5 euros here
1 gram of weed costs 10 euros
for some reason even though hash is more potent

  • Ya you jumped into hash too quickly for sure.​

it took me 3 months to score hash , weed is way more expensive here for a smaller amount and almost no one has weed in portugal
For some reason everybody starts smoking hash or "pollen" here and only after weed
The first month that I smoked you would have thought I was having a seizure the way I would twitch. It was like I could feel every nerve in my body at the same time and they were being touched by an invisible force one at a time, and every time one would get touched i'd jump. Then when I was coming down my head would do what you're describing. But, the point is, it doesn't happen anymore no matter how much I smoke. (Kind of sad, actually). It will go away. You just have to build up your tolerance.

  • The first month that I smoked you would have thought I was having a seizure the way I would twitch. It was like I could feel every nerve in my body at the same time and they were being touched by an invisible force one at a time, and every time one would get touched i'd jump. Then when I was coming down my head would do what you're describing. But, the point is, it doesn't happen anymore no matter how much I smoke. (Kind of sad, actually). It will go away. You just have to build up your tolerance.​

You are a life saver , i though i was the only one experiencing this
Its quite nice , im very relaxed and giglish when im not freaking out.
Lay off the hash bro. That twitching is not good ,you never know what people put into the hash. What are your parents saying about the uncontrollable twitching? They think your possessed?
That is weird. But even if it is a minor epileptic episode it's probably nothing to worry about. Deja vu is actually an epileptic episode. But we don't go running to the doctor every time it happens do we? Naw, so you'll be fine.

  • Lay off the hash bro. That twitching is not good ,you never know what people put into the hash. What are your parents saying about the uncontrollable twitching? They think your possessed?​

its not noticable really , i feel it but is so slight that its hard to spot it in the mirror

  • Lay off the hash bro. That twitching is not good ,you never know what people put into the hash​

I saw the dealer smoking his on batch , first time i smoked it was off his joint and of his batch
Its brown morrocan polen hash , not soap hash so i think ita not tainted
Plus i did not feel this way the first time i smoked , this time i used a bong so it was more agressive so i dont think its the hashish itself , maybe they way i administered it.
Maybe you got "bom mel" hahaha. Like super pollen?

Chill out bro, once you get used to it that won't happen...
And fuck yeah, hash is a much better choice in Portugal :)

  • Maybe you got "bom mel" hahaha. Like super pollen?

    Chill out bro, once you get used to it that won't happen...
    And fuck yeah, hash is a much better choice in Portugal​

Lol a portuguese toker :D
It smelled really nice(like flowers), and had this light brown colour.
I think its mid quality hash or so i will post some pics up tomorrow , we have the cheapest weed in europe you know :) And weed is discriminalized
Im going to see how i feel tomorrow and report back , thanks for the answers i was really freaking out