I'm Joining the Military

Yeah, I need some skriz since granny gave up ma grow. I need some free housing, healthcare, maybe a free education, and later some help with buying my own house, and of course paydays in between. Can I sign up for just two years, or do I have to do four? Also, I don;t want to go to the dessert or Africa to fight ebola or anything dangerous really. Can I join as a conscientious objector? I bet I could make general as one of those.

Any tips?

Any way you can renounce your citizenship, relocate to Mexico, sneak back across the border while being 8 months pregnant?
Are you any good at video games? You might want to be a drone jockey. The pay is good and you still get to go home every night after dropping a hot load on some foreign threats. And you are pretty much immune from counterattack - unless you watch Homeland.
Are you any good at video games? You might want to be a drone jockey. The pay is good and you still get to go home every night after dropping a hot load on some foreign threats. And you are pretty much immune from counterattack - unless you watch Homeland.

I'm pretty good at Madden. That's a cool idea, and it wouldn;t be the first time I dropped a hot load on a foreigner.
I'm not a convicted felon. Huuge difference between arrested and convicted.

True, I didn't read the thread about your grandma getting raided but usually when someone gets busted growing they get charged with at least one felony. I'm just saying, if you do get convicted you're not getting in. Sorry for the assumptions.
True, I didn't read the thread about your grandma getting raided but usually when someone gets busted growing they get charged with at least one felony. I'm just saying, if you do get convicted you're not getting in. Sorry for the assumptions.

Oh, no worries, my man. Yeah, that bitch was charged with four or five felonies. They just dropped them once they figured out she couldn;t get to the barn and they believed her pleading of innocence.