I'm Making Onion Rings In The Toaster Oven


Well-Known Member
And also gonna make some fries. And some cheeseburgers on a skillet.

What's for your lunch? Man it's nice having my wife home from work!

Oh and last night for dinner we had shish ka bobs on the grill, fucking dope!

So I'll ask again, what are YOU eating or eaten today or recently that was so. damn. good. :lol:


Active Member
has anyone ever tried those TGIF wings that you microwave? for being frozen and all they're pretty damn good


fuck yeah dude, one time at my friends appartment we heated up a dish in the freezer with a hair dryer after having had smoked like 4 bowls. We were paranoid that'd we forget to turn off the oven gas if we turned it on or something hahaha