im need a spliff docta

hi folks,

anyone got any ideas why my girl might not be producing any buds. there is something she's not at all happy about, but i got no idea what that is. her leaves are wilting and curling underneath, but aren't brittle. plenty of the lower leaves are dying off, pistils have turned a murky colour, but most importantly, there are literally no buds to speak of after 5 weeks of flowering. not even a trace. lots of leaves, but nada else. she ain't been up to much for about 3 weeks.

any suggestions? she's early special by the way. supposed to be 7-8 week flowering, which is why i'm concerned.

i've put some photos in.

cheers for any help.



Well-Known Member
My first guess would be you either have a light leak and they are not getting a full 12 hours of darkness or its something with your timer. Either you dont have it set right or it is defective. You should have flowers by now.
My first guess would be you either have a light leak and they are not getting a full 12 hours of darkness or its something with your timer. Either you dont have it set right or it is defective. You should have flowers by now.
Hi Cruzer,

thanks, thats something i hadn't considered really. i messed up and left her in light due to an open door a few weeks ago for an extra 3/4 hours in the evening. how long would it take a plant to recover and carry on doing its thing? also, could light levels be responsible for drooping, curling leaves too?

thanks for your advice man. much needed.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say, usually two weeks of continuious lighting will put a plant where it is suspose to be. 45 min difference isnt much though. I think it never gets totally dark. Thats my guess anyway. Your plants look confused to me. If there is such a thing.

Then I would say that causes other things to happen from stress. Its very important in the first two weeks of flower they get 12 hours of TOTAL darkness. I know you are passed that but they need that to make the change to flower correctly.

I really dont know if you did get them 2 weeks of 12 hours total darkness now what will happen. They may herm on you. My guess would be they would start flowering and using the nutrients correctly, look better and then they would finish 3 weeks late.


My first guess would be you either have a light leak and they are not getting a full 12 hours of darkness or its something with your timer. Either you dont have it set right or it is defective. You should have flowers by now.
I concur with Cruzer. You need to have a full 12hrs full darkness, no peeking!
Also, I'm looking at em seeing leaf cupping, curling, some leaf edges are yellowing slightly and looking dehydrated. Whats your PH?? Soil? They are nice and green with really bright stems hmm. They almost look like they are dehydrated tho curling/folding in trying to conserve water. If youre feeding them with too much N it will cause the moisture to be drawn out of the plant and would also delay flowering. Just a thought. Are they getting their micros?