Im new to growing - Chances in having my plants stolen?


New Member
I live in an apartment complex and have a decent size yard.
I'm trying to grow outdoors, my space has enough sunlight to sustain it for close to 10hrs before the sun disappears. Im really limited in space due to my financial situation but want to grow upscale in the future.

Anyways... Im trying to grow two to three plant. This will be my first grow but i have read endlessly and know the gist and the methods of each element needed to grow. With that being said, I live in an apartment complex and have a decent size yard with a five foot wooden fence. The only neighbors that can actually see what im doing would be my next doors that are really chill and only get drunk on occasion. The other neighbors are blocked off from view. If you walk by my back fence you cant really see anything unless you want to and actually look in.
Do i have alot of risk in getting my plats stolen if i do plant? I live in a Hispanic area with a few African American folks who live here too that i rarely see smoking blunts but are little litter bugs who leave their swisher wrappings but i dont interact with anyone.


Well-Known Member
I live in an apartment complex and have a decent size yard.
I'm trying to grow outdoors, my space has enough sunlight to sustain it for close to 10hrs before the sun disappears. Im really limited in space due to my financial situation but want to grow upscale in the future.

Anyways... Im trying to grow two to three plant. This will be my first grow but i have read endlessly and know the gist and the methods of each element needed to grow. With that being said, I live in an apartment complex and have a decent size yard with a five foot wooden fence. The only neighbors that can actually see what im doing would be my next doors that are really chill and only get drunk on occasion. The other neighbors are blocked off from view. If you walk by my back fence you cant really see anything unless you want to and actually look in.
Do i have alot of risk in getting my plats stolen if i do plant? I live in a Hispanic area with a few African American folks who live here too that i rarely see smoking blunts but are little litter bugs who leave their swisher wrappings but i dont interact with anyone.
So let me get this straight...You're wondering if "we" the Hispanics an African Americans think your plants might get "stolen" by one of "US"...if not before it will now nigga!!! :twisted:


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight...You're wondering if "we" the Hispanics an African Americans think your plants might get "stolen" by one of "US"...if not before it will now nigga!!! :twisted:
Ahhhh...gotcha...Really my skin is white, but I bleed red just like anyone (actually, I'm red, white, and black, Heinz 57 ya feel me :finger:) and man if you're worried it'll get stolen, it probably will...and, you don't have to mention your racial disposition next time...we all just hash marks in cyber space man :eyesmoke: with a love for growin' MJ :bigjoint:


New Member
haha im hispanic. And i only brought the racial terms because they are the ones who smoke alot in my area.
But what i was getting at was that i live in a sketchy area.


Global Moderator
Staff member
You're setting yourself up for a rip if you grow outdoors in an apartment complex.
White/Black/Brown/Yellow/Purple people ~ there are scum in all groups & they will see/smell it if you attempt a grow in plain sight.

Guerrilla/Gorilla - there is a difference.

Welcome to RIU. :cool:


Well-Known Member
in order to give the best possible answer I need more info
What kind is it?
When will it be just about ready?
Do you have room mates or dogs?


Well-Known Member
Even in a remotely populated area there is a decent chance you will get ripped. In a apartment complex it's almost assured. Don't waste your time.


Well-Known Member
just fill your yard with upwards of 500 plants that way it will take a long time to pull them thus increasing the chances of catching them


Well-Known Member
Get cats.... Put the liter box by the front door, problem solved.

If indoors.
For out doors.... Near an apartment complex? Fuhgetaboutit.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
If you live in a sketchy neighborhood, I would say the chances are good that someone will try to jack those plants at some point. Hell, even in a good neighborhood it's a pretty big risk. People will see it, and if they don't see it then they will smell it, and they will know you're growing, they may even THINK that you're selling, and try to rip you off for more than just the plants. You have to assume that if people can find out, they will find out, don't rely on them not looking closely through your fence, people are nosy and people who are looking to steal shit are especially nosy. Unless there is a dog or a shotgun in between them and those plants there is a good chance that someone will try to take them. People are not to be trusted, not even your chill neighbors.


Active Member
Not sure what race has to do with it but any dope smoking homosapian will steal your plant if they feel the like free weed.
Grow it inside.