I'm not a stranger how do I change the stranger words under my user name?


New Member
I just joined rollitup and I posted a link to a petition I started

It looks like a lot of people viewed the message but nobody signed it C'mon we all need to push the legalization issue, now that Washington State and Colorado have come to their senses we can go for the whole ball of wax, Anyhow under my user name it says Stranger, I did not pick this name other posters seem to have picked different names, how do I change this to something else?

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I have been surfin on here for over a year and wondered the same thing. I just went along with it. After you post so many times and get a couple of likes on your posts you move up to "Learning How to Roll". Notice the other posts and the activity listed in the ID on the left.

Signing stuff gives up your identity which RIU is so careful to obscure. Many of us are paranoid of the US Govt. and it's powers. You may not be old enough to remember Vietnam and the Draft. It all seems so ancient but the Govt. is all powerful and we are mere waifs. :peace:

By the way the LIKE button is in the lower right corner of each post.


Well-Known Member
I have been surfin on here for over a year and wondered the same thing. I just went along with it. After you post so many times and get a couple of likes on your posts you move up to "Learning How to Roll". Notice the other posts and the activity listed in the ID on the left.

Signing stuff gives up your identity which RIU is so careful to obscure. Many of us are paranoid of the US Govt. and it's powers. You may not be old enough to remember Vietnam and the Draft. It all seems so ancient but the Govt. is all powerful and we are mere waifs. :peace:

By the way the LIKE button is in the lower right corner of each post.
Shit man, really?
Over here in Australia, it's on the LEFT!


New Member
I remember the sixties but I was just a small kid it's time for a new social conscience and a renewed movement for peoples rights both to choose their own lifestyle, and also the right to live in uncontaminated world that is getting more pollute everyday.

I started a petition on the whitehouse website please check it out and pass the word if you can, thanks

To all who favor freedom,

Our nation watches and the resolve builds to end Marijuana Prohibition in the United States of America.

We have to keep the pressure on our government to decriminalize marijuana.

Please sign the new whitehouse petition,


Decriminalize marijuana, and pardon all marijuana convictions. Over 100,000,000 U.S. Citizens have used marijuana.

With over 500,000 marijuana arrests costing over $13 billion annually, and with more than half of U.S. Citizens favoring legalization the time is here to end marijuana prohibition.

Marijuana prohibition is very costly to society, wasting billions of dollars and billions of hours in law enforcement, justice system and penal system time, it also destroys families and personal lives and futures.

The effects of marijuana both physically and socially are less harmful than alcohol or tobacco, and adults should be entitled to make the decision whether or not to consume marijuana.

It's time to finally put an end to the criminalization of marijuana, This would not only allow our government to save billions of dollars, but could be a source of income and bring in billions of dollars in revenue.

Please help to spread the word on any social media you can, we need this petition to go VIRAL!

Thank you,
