im not a stranger!!


Well-Known Member
a few years ago, when me and some friends used to get stoned, we used to film our own TV show... course it was full of stoners sitting around on couches, and probably didnt make for good watching, but we had a cooking section that was the best, i made bacon and egg burgers one time and man... they were so good, so simple, bacon, egg, muffins, cheese, tomato sauce, cooked the bacon and egg, put it in the muffin with the cheese and sauce and put it in this sandwhich press i got... mmm delicous


Active Member
me and a few of my friends had a local acces tv show in ct. it was mostly just clips of us gettign realy trashed and doing very destructive things. we used to bareknuckle box eachother with ankle cuffs and try and smash glass bottles over eachothers heads. we ultimately got taken off the air and investigated by the cops after making a substance called thermite and burning a hole through my friends junk car's hood/engine/driveway straight through....well im glad to say im much smarter these days :mrgreen:. we were some wild ass kids most of these friends are locked up and one was even deported ack to england! some are just strung out on god knows what. i made it ok with a few scars for the stories to the grandkids. just thought i share with you guys because hermes brought up the whole tv show thing. ill try and find some clips and put em up. but we lost alot of footage when the "producer"/crackheads house was robbed and burnt to the ground..


Well-Known Member
How the hell do you guys cooked while baked? I tried to cook a frozen pizza last week. It only takes 14 minutes, and I bet I checked on it 28 times! Then, I finally pull it out of the oven and ram a slice in my pie hole. Burned the hell out of the roof of my mouth. I still have meat-flaps hanging down and god forbid I eat something salty!

I'm sticking with Doritos and salsa conqueso from now on. Insta-ready!


Well-Known Member
That's hilarious man, I just got done eating a pizza and it was the BOMB!
How the hell do you guys cooked while baked? I tried to cook a frozen pizza last week. It only takes 14 minutes, and I bet I checked on it 28 times! Then, I finally pull it out of the oven and ram a slice in my pie hole. Burned the hell out of the roof of my mouth. I still have meat-flaps hanging down and god forbid I eat something salty!

I'm sticking with Doritos and salsa conqueso from now on. Insta-ready!


Well-Known Member
yeah, i cant say we didnt have many accidents cooking stoned... so many burns, i have a fair few on my chest from cooking drunk & stoned with oil & water... dont know why i wasnt wearing a shirt, but it sure did fucking hurt

my lesson:
drunk + stoned = good
oil + water = liquid displacement
drunk + stoned + oil + water + cooking = burnt skin


Well-Known Member
I actually like to cook... especially for other people. when I'm stoned it doesn't really effect anything, only how patient I am to eat! hehe