I'm Not Digging the blue RIU


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how to change it back to the Blazin07???
I was able to do it a couple times after they made changes a couple months ago, but I can even find My Rollitup now unless im loging in.
I like having an option, can we have a setting choice????


Well-Known Member
Settings = My Rollitup

I thought that last color scheme was like an OD or olive green with Wet Willy throwing up the peace sign. :-)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Anyone know how to change it back to the Blazin07???
I was able to do it a couple times after they made changes a couple months ago, but I can even find My Rollitup now unless im loging in.
I like having an option, can we have a setting choice????
blazin 07 is obsolete. been obsolete for quite awhile now. and I coulda swear the old layout was pink and blue. just the RIU logo was olive green


Active Member
does anyone else feel like puttin a hoody on while lookin at this? lol this blue is soooo cold. fuck we all must be smokin to much lol cuz i cant remember what the old format was either i was only on it last night how can i not remember?? lol i dont mind the new format just not a fan of such a ice cold blue i can see icikles forming on my nose :bigjoint:


Active Member
im giving a thumbs down on the blue

i woke up, saw it , and it kind of pissed me off cause why cant they just stick to one thing

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
well how I see it, they did something to the system, wether it's an upgrade or downgrade, and after they did what they did, it went back to stock(default) and now someone(mr. rollitup) has to go back and tweak the system.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Chill ladies. It'll be back to normal before you can change your tampons.

Things happen when things get messed up. This is default v-bulletin. At least we can still post....


Well-Known Member
Chill ladies. It'll be back to normal before you can change your tampons.

Things happen when things get messed up. This is default v-bulletin. At least we can still post....
LOL Amen to that. Rollitup is on the case, I'm sure. RIU may employ vbulletin's system, but it sure isn't paying for add space at the top the page. Things will return to normal soon I suspect, hopefully with a green format, and if not, meh, I'm already getting used to the blue anyway ;)