Well I finally got around to trying this and have had some very dissapointing results so far

No sure exactly what went wrong. I have a resinator machine I have used for years and it always worked very well so I am not a newb to this type of method.
I used 5 5 gallon buckets. I filled the machine with water and 40 lbs of ice. I used 2-400 micron bags and 2-200 micron bags for a total of 4 bags. I put about 3 lbs of material in them total. Good shake too not junk. Let the water get very very cold before adding the material. Set it to a gentle cycle. Would run for only about 2 min and then go to a wpin cycle where I would right away put it back to gentle cycle. I probably got a total of maybe 6 min agitating where my mini machine has a timer for 15 min. Not sure if the short time was the issue or if it was maybe the cycle

or something else.
I started by pouring into a 120 micron mag to get the junk out I dont want. Then went to my normal 43 and then 25 micron bag. I tried my 73 but didnt seem needed in this process. I then ran it a second round with fresh water and about 20 lbs more of ice. I normally run it 3 times but after the first two went so poorly I called it a day after 2.5 hours and a sore back. Went through all the normal steps but just ended up with a very very low yield.

I ended up with a total of 17 grams not even dried yet

Probably end up around 10 grams dry. My little machine I usually get atleast 10% - 15% with 3 runs and 75% of the weight coming from the first two runs. So I should have gotten a bare min of 100 grams from this.
Any help or ideas would really be appreciated.