I'm not getting high. :( help?

Hey dudes, well, I'm having a frustrating experience.

My buddies asked me a couple days ago if I wanted to smoke some weed - never done it before, and it seemed like a cool thing to experience, so I said sure.

They didn't have anything to smoke out of, so they made an apple pipe.

They lit the bowl, and I took a hit. I didn't feel -anything-. I tried again. Nothing. I've read that sometimes, you won't get high the first time so it didn't come as a surprise to me. They were rolling on the ground laughing, and just acting totally blazed, which kinda frustrated me.

I honestly don't think I'm inhaling properly. I've never smoked anything before prior to this.

I put my mouth on the mouthpiece, suck the weed in my mouth, then I remove the apple from my mouth and a take a deep breath and hold in for about 4-5 seconds, then I exhale.

Maybe I just have high tolerance? I reeeeeealy wanna get high. :cry:


Active Member
You need to be properly introduced to a gravity bong. This surely will solve your problem. All you need is a 2 or 3 liter bottle and a sink.
You need to be properly introduced to a gravity bong. This surely will solve your problem. All you need is a 2 or 3 liter bottle and a sink.
All right, I'll give that a try, thanks man. Do you happen to know how to make one? Sorry, I'm a total newbie when it comes to smoking =P


Well-Known Member
There real easy to make just google it or look it up on youtube and I was just playing about the bleach hope you didn't take it serious but a gravity bong should do the trick


Well-Known Member
Were you inhaling it as deep as you could until your lungs couldn't take anymore?

Were you perhaps not enclosing your lips around the hole therefore in taking mostly air and barely any smoke. air fills up your lungs much more quickly than smoke does


Well-Known Member
Yea you dont just hold it in your mouth you litteraly inhale take a big ass deep breath once the smoke is in your mouth and,hold you should be good after a couple hits after that.


Well-Known Member
i know my very first time...i had trouble lighting the lighter and once i got a hang of that I still couldn't get high probably because i didn't know how to hit the piece properly.

my 2nd time smoking was my first time getting high...and the highest ive ever been. i remember i slept over at a buddies house years ago and I remember nothing but laughing and passing out in his guest bedroom and i never had a more peaceful sleep than that
There real easy to make just google it or look it up on youtube and I was just playing about the bleach hope you didn't take it serious but a gravity bong should do the trick
Haha, I know you were just messin'. I kinda expected a smart-ass reply like that, seeing as I'm asking a total noob question, so your comment is warranted. :)

All right, I'll look it up!

i know my very first time...i had trouble lighting the lighter and once i got a hang of that I still couldn't get high probably because i didn't know how to hit the piece properly.

my 2nd time smoking was my first time getting high...and the highest ive ever been. i remember i slept over at a buddies house years ago and I remember nothing but laughing and passing out in his guest bedroom and i never had a more peaceful sleep than that
I tried it by myself today; I didn't have a lighter, so I used matches, and I didn't feel anything. (this was before I was on this site, so I was using apple, not a gravity bong)

Is it accepted to use a match at the absence of a lighter, or does that fuck everything up?


Well-Known Member
yeah after i clear the piece i usually tap out any cherry there is with the lighter (unless im smoking with ppl) and inhale a small quick breath of air to make sure its all down in my lungs :)


Well-Known Member
Haha, I know you were just messin'. I kinda expected a smart-ass reply like that, seeing as I'm asking a total noob question, so your comment is warranted. :)

All right, I'll look it up!
Remember once the smoke is in your mouth INHALE!! dont just let it sit in your mouth I made that mistake the first time I smoked to untill my friend noticed it Then after he said to take a deep breath with the smoke in my mouth I felt good after a couple hits.if you never really smoked before your gonna cough your ass off after a gravity bong hit.I want to smoke so fucking bad.
Remember once the smoke is in your mouth INHALE!! dont just let it sit in your mouth I made that mistake the first time I smoked to untill my friend noticed it Then after he said to take a deep breath with the smoke in my mouth I felt good after a couple hits.if you never really smoked before your gonna cough your ass off after a gravity bong hit.I want to smoke so fucking bad.
Okay, so maybe this is the problem. Let's go back to my apple situation: Are you saying that once I inhale through the mouthpiece and I get the smoke in my mouth to IMMEDIATELY take a deeeeeep breath? Or, should I wait a few seconds? Because, normally, I'm waiting 3-4 seconds, then taking the apple off my mouth, THEN breathing in.

Again, I apologize for my total ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Remember once the smoke is in your mouth INHALE!! dont just let it sit in your mouth I made that mistake the first time I smoked to untill my friend noticed it Then after he said to take a deep breath with the smoke in my mouth I felt good after a couple hits.if you never really smoked before your gonna cough your ass off after a gravity bong hit.I want to smoke so fucking bad.
no weed?

guerilla grow this spring? haha

thats what i'll be doing if i dont go legal


Active Member
Super Simple Gravity Bong:

(1) rinse out 2 liter bottle
(2) poke hole through soda cap ( drill or knife)
(3) place small piece of tin foil into the soda cap hole to create a bowl
(4) cut 2 liter bottle completly off 3/4 of the way to bottom
(5) fill up kitchen sink with cold water
(6) with cap off of botlle; submerge bottle up to the neck
(7) screw loaded cap back to bottle while submerged
(8) light make-shift bowl and pull unit up slowly
(9) unscrew cap-take off
(10)put mouth over spout and inhale as you resubmerge unit

A guarantee to being reallllly high!!


Well-Known Member
Okay, so maybe this is the problem. Let's go back to my apple situation: Are you saying that once I inhale through the mouthpiece and I get the smoke in my mouth to IMMEDIATELY take a deeeeeep breath? Or, should I wait a few seconds? Because, normally, I'm waiting 3-4 seconds, then taking the apple off my mouth, THEN breathing in.

Again, I apologize for my total ignorance.
nothing to apologize for man...we'd rather help you start getting high then tell you to fuck off for being a noob or something.

if theres one thing thats pretty universal in the cannabis community..its spreading love and helping out others (especially fellow stoners!! :joint:)

it's all about hitting it hard and getting the smoke deep into your lungs. you'll find that you get much higher if you smoke 1g in two hits than if you take 10 hits to smoke 1g.

also, make sure your holding the hit in for 8 seconds after you inhale your air. theres no reason to keep your mouth on the piece after your done inhaling smoke..so just breath in and get the smoke deep as you can.

one thing that makes me feel like im getting higher, but actually doesn't, is exhaling the smoke very slow with my eyes closed looking up at the ceiling! good luck getting blitzed i say give it another try asap! my 2nd try was my first actually high!
nothing to apologize for man...we'd rather help you start getting high then tell you to fuck off for being a noob or something.

if theres one thing thats pretty universal in the cannabis community..its spreading love and helping out others (especially fellow stoners!! :joint:)

it's all about hitting it hard and getting the smoke deep into your lungs. you'll find that you get much higher if you smoke 1g in two hits than if you take 10 hits to smoke 1g.

also, make sure your holding the hit in for 8 seconds after you inhale your air. theres no reason to keep your mouth on the piece after your done inhaling smoke..so just breath in and get the smoke deep as you can.

one thing that makes me feel like im getting higher, but actually doesn't, is exhaling the smoke very slow with my eyes closed looking up at the ceiling! good luck getting blitzed i say give it another try asap! my 2nd try was my first actually high!
Ight, thanks for the great replies, I'll give it a shot again and keep y'all informed.


Well-Known Member
yeah man keep us posted.

1st time high stories are AMAZING to hear...especially when they are fresh in the new tokers mind.

another thing, make sure the weed is actually lit before you start inhaling hard. inhaling soft at first to get it lit..

if you hit it hard when you first light it you'll get a lot of air in your lungs which will prevent you from getting much smoke at all

once lit and you see the burn spreading feel free to inhale as hard as you can..good luck man!
yeah man keep us posted.

1st time high stories are AMAZING to hear...especially when they are fresh in the new tokers mind.

another thing, make sure the weed is actually lit before you start inhaling hard. inhaling soft at first to get it lit..

if you hit it hard when you first light it you'll get a lot of air in your lungs which will prevent you from getting much smoke at all

once lit and you see the burn spreading feel free to inhale as hard as you can..good luck man!
Haha unfortunately I won't be trying again for a few days. Gonna visit some family for a tomorrow for a few days, so I won't be able to contribute to this thread (at least when it comes to my personal experience) for a couple days :sad:


Active Member
heck yeah, dude, let us know how it goes this time. If you still have problems i think i might have to do with the apple pipe, you may need to make a new piece. enjoy dude, i know i did my 1st time!


Well-Known Member
whenever you're hitting any type of pipe, bong, joint, blunt, suck the smoke into your mouth and immediately inhale it really deep. dont let the smoke sit in your mouth for any period of time before inhaling, just get it all into your lungs. if you've never really smoked anything before you're probably gonna cough. thats when i knew i was inhaling correctly, because it made me cough. if the pipe isnt working out too well and you dont have the time or supplies to make the gravity...blunts are a really nice option too. you can buy blunt wraps in lots of places, like head shops, and some variety stores will sell them too. they come in all kinds of different flavours, personally i really like the grape ones :D