I'm not getting high. :( help?


Well-Known Member
just suck the smoke directley to your lungs. it should only pass thru your mouth when smokin out of an apple.



just smoke again, the first time i smoked i didnt get high felt totaly fine just seemed like time went by quicker. I smoked again that night and i was looking at myself in a merror with my eyes shut was blasted off some oj kusk. basically the same other day iv been clean now for a month for a drug test figured wouldnt affect me much. smoked 2 blunts some sticky ass kush bearly felt it later dat night we smoked another blunt and i didnt wanna walk anywere
Okay, I know this is an old topic, but I've got to share my experience:

We used my friend's bong. I had some afghan kush, and he had some good schwag. (oxymoron, I know :P)

Well anyway, it was the 4 of us. We smoked the kush first. I smoked three bowls of it, and started to feel tingly and warm all over. Then, while they were high as shit, I smoked 4 bowls of the schwag. I was FUCKED UP.

When I lay back on his couch listening to Floyd, it was like some invisible barrier was pushing me forward, and my muscles were tightened as hell, and I was just relaxing. It felt so great.

I felt literally stoned, like I felt like a stone and didn't want to move at all. But, I managed to, and I mooned all of them in the room, and we broke out laughing, rolling on the floor for about 10 minutes. It was hilarious.

That was the most incredible experience. Ever. I can't wait to do it again. ;D


Well-Known Member
Okay, I know this is an old topic, but I've got to share my experience:

We used my friend's bong. I had some afghan kush, and he had some good schwag. (oxymoron, I know :P)

Well anyway, it was the 4 of us. We smoked the kush first. I smoked three bowls of it, and started to feel tingly and warm all over. Then, while they were high as shit, I smoked 4 bowls of the schwag. I was FUCKED UP.

When I lay back on his couch listening to Floyd, it was like some invisible barrier was pushing me forward, and my muscles were tightened as hell, and I was just relaxing. It felt so great.

I felt literally stoned, like I felt like a stone and didn't want to move at all. But, I managed to, and I mooned all of them in the room, and we broke out laughing, rolling on the floor for about 10 minutes. It was hilarious.

That was the most incredible experience. Ever. I can't wait to do it again. ;D
sounds like you just discovered what cannabis can truly do!
sounds like you just discovered what cannabis can truly do!
haha, yes! Why is this great plant illegal? :(

Oh, and by the way, we had 2 friends with us who've never smoked either. They were feeling GREAT at first, but later, about an hour or two into it, they started to feel really nauseous, and one of them threw up.

Any idea what might've happened? They smoked a LOT, maybe 4 or 5 bowls.


Well-Known Member
haha, yes! Why is this great plant illegal? :(

Oh, and by the way, we had 2 friends with us who've never smoked either. They were feeling GREAT at first, but later, about an hour or two into it, they started to feel really nauseous, and one of them threw up.

Any idea what might've happened? They smoked a LOT, maybe 4 or 5 bowls.
they just got too high.

when your tolerance is low, it's possible to be overwealmed by cannabinoids. this is due to your cannabinoid receptors being so active they sent out great amounts of dopamine, serotonin, gaba, etc. and too much of these chemicals will cause someone to feel nauseous.

this fades in time as you gain a tolerance, atleast one good enough to get a nice mellow high without it being too intense.