Some are. Some aren't. The ones that are don't stand out much. My inlaws' neighbors run a tight ship and I would never hesitate to buy from them. But there are much larger Amish concerns that are just terrible. We have a huge, very popular Amish restaurant here that serves dreck. It is obvious that their kitchen staff consists of a bunch of kids who know how to split open a plastic bag and work a deep fryer. All of their entrees are mass produced (by Amish) and frozen. They have a "legendary" salad bar that must be 50 yards long and consists of all the dreadful crap I remember from the 1970s. Horrible jello based dishes, multiple variations of three bean salad, Wonder-type bread, nothing but iceberg lettuce, nearly every single thing right out of a can. They must have an entire room full of can openers to supplement the deep fryers. They don't even try to hide it. It's sad. And yet the place is packed and it is where people round here go out when they want something fancy. It amazes me that people like this. It is the same cuisine I remember from the early 1970s in the city in the kind of dark, smokey places your grandparents would go to with relish trays of limp pickles, artless baskets of the bread and pictures of Jerry Lewis and other luminaries covering the walls.