I'm out of weed


New Member
I hate when that happens.. It rarely does but still hate it , SO GROWING MY OWN IS BETTER THEN I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IM DEALING WITH...


Well-Known Member
i only have 8 BLUNTS LEFT!!!but when i run out ill ,JUST GET SUM'ORE!naw i fe3l ur pain tho i was outa herb once


Well-Known Member
I'm out too, but only because I'm too lazy to go get some more. I'll pick some up tomorrow morning.

Only 1 more month until my harvest is ready!


I feel your pain man. I'm from a small town n when its dry its DRY. Atm i'm smokin shitty leaf cos i couldn't find bud. Oh and i'm new here so hi. Lol


Well-Known Member
harsh man i was too but had some smokes with friends and my weed should be here in like 4 hours so woooooo

but do fell your pain!!

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
I've been out for a week now. The whole city has. Buut I just got the call I've been waiting for. It's finally time to smoke some weed again for me :P


Haha yep thats what they call me. Lol i didn't buy it man had it given to me. Shit to smoke but ey i need fuckin heaps of it