Im really new to this but i needa know


Well-Known Member
i can't believe they havn't closed this thread yet, and banned the dude who started it since he's too young.


Active Member
nah hes not selling the shit, i dont think--
i think what hes asking is can he just take plain ass seeds from weed that he just bought and plant them..

thats what i do, im just starting to grow it, im a noob my self, but mine started sprouting, so im pritty sure you can =)


Well-Known Member
no, he's implying he wants to sell it, why else would he be asking about prices? plus, this is suppossed to be an 18 and up site, he clearly said he was 15..... that's all. i planted seeds that I took from bags. that's how I'm growing right now, don't trust ordering from websites.


Active Member
ahh, ok, i see now, i didnt put his thread topic togeather with his post...i thought he was saying "i already know everything i need to know about selling weed...what weight for what price" sorry bout that...i see now lol


Well-Known Member
How do we know this person is a he or young,, myself, I like to think Its a gorgeous 21 year old blonde with big t1ts, who is trying to pick up some extra cash since the tips from dancin arent as big nowadays.......:peace:...................


Well-Known Member
ahahaha $100 ounce I sell it only in 8ths and it gors for $30 an 8th and I make $240 for 1 ounce I never cut deals unless there my friends or maybe regs
I was COMPLETELY joking.... if I could find good weed cheap enough to sell it for $100 an ounce, I'd be happy as fuck!!!!!


Well-Known Member
How do we know this person is a he or young,, myself, I like to think Its a gorgeous 21 year old blonde with big t1ts, who is trying to pick up some extra cash since the tips from dancin arent as big nowadays.......:peace:...................
Ummm....a 21 year old with big tits is makin plenty of money....25-30 year olds are all all washed up.....callin their boyfriends from the locker room cryin about how fat they are!!!!


Active Member
I live in England, and price varies according to how good it is and how much you buy. Normally an 8th is £20 and an ounce is about £120(it varies though).


Active Member
How do we know this person is a he or young,, myself, I like to think Its a gorgeous 21 year old blonde with big t1ts, who is trying to pick up some extra cash since the tips from dancin arent as big nowadays.......:peace:...................
lol, dont make enough money from tips??? i tip em pritty good, im sure they make enough :)