On to a key point here. The fish trap exists only because of the fish. If the fish is the desired effect from the communication, then what kind of fish trap would you design to optimize that desired end?
I also write far more than I ever post. Fadedawg is a light years a more patient and kinder person than Moi (a gawdamn Wolf), so I write from the heart as a carthartic, and then after walking around what I've spewed out to see how it may look from the other side and how they are likely to react, I edit and send.
I learned to do that justifying large capital equipment expenditures to corporate folks, whom opposed my proposals, and whose support I needed to succeed. I'm sorry to say that though I was mostly well respected in that arena, I was not uniformly liked and no one found me gifted inter-personally.
The difference is the magic that you can do before hitting the send key. Starting with, "Will this message catch the fish (achieve the effect) that I'm after?"
That I sometimes slip, is of course confirming prima facia evidence that I am really a dick head in disguise, and how well I mostly keep that a secret is a tribute to how many times I have been hoisted by my own petard and broken more of my corners and sharp edges off slamming against hard objects.
That I don't more often than I do now, bespeaks my fish actually being communication, as opposed to imposing my wit and will.
Reversing that though, go back and look at comments, walk around them, and then ask yourself what that fish trap was designed to catch?