I'm sick from smoking some contaminant in my BHO

People that have nothing but this (you are not the first troll to act like posting that quote is epic) to say about people that share things, should not speak out. You are just displaying an example of your own quote when you don't have anything to actually say.

Especially when you are posting after 2 trolls.

When Fin calls you a troll.
People that have nothing but this (you are not the first troll to act like posting that quote is epic) to say about people that share things, should not speak out. You are just displaying an example of your own quote when you don't have anything to actually say.

Especially when you are posting after 2 trolls.

no hes not the first or the last... but it applies and its epic lol
oh, maybe that's my problem, i'm a half way decent typer so i can put out loads of shit in seconds without ever skipping a beat..

you just reminded me of a friend of mine. we'd talk on yahoo chat, and when the other person is typing, they lil space bar blinks so you know they're writing something. anyhoos, this friend, the space bar would be blinking for like 10 minutes straight, and i'd all be expecting a book to come through, and most of the time it'd be something like.... lol.. shit always killed me..

On to a key point here. The fish trap exists only because of the fish. If the fish is the desired effect from the communication, then what kind of fish trap would you design to optimize that desired end?

I also write far more than I ever post. Fadedawg is a light years a more patient and kinder person than Moi (a gawdamn Wolf), so I write from the heart as a carthartic, and then after walking around what I've spewed out to see how it may look from the other side and how they are likely to react, I edit and send.

I learned to do that justifying large capital equipment expenditures to corporate folks, whom opposed my proposals, and whose support I needed to succeed. I'm sorry to say that though I was mostly well respected in that arena, I was not uniformly liked and no one found me gifted inter-personally.

The difference is the magic that you can do before hitting the send key. Starting with, "Will this message catch the fish (achieve the effect) that I'm after?"

That I sometimes slip, is of course confirming prima facia evidence that I am really a dick head in disguise, and how well I mostly keep that a secret is a tribute to how many times I have been hoisted by my own petard and broken more of my corners and sharp edges off slamming against hard objects.

That I don't more often than I do now, bespeaks my fish actually being communication, as opposed to imposing my wit and will.

Reversing that though, go back and look at comments, walk around them, and then ask yourself what that fish trap was designed to catch?
People that have nothing but this (you are not the first troll to act like posting that quote is epic) to say about people that share things, should not speak out. You are just displaying an example of your own quote when you don't have anything to actually say.

Especially when you are posting after 2 trolls.

Yeah VP#2. Back when Fin "wrote a book ???" (apparently while under the influence of "bath salts" or some such shit) about an apocalyptic, talking dog, he believed he was qualified to be called a "Writer". It appears, now, he believes this current endeavor is qualifying him to be a "Chemist", "Pharmacist", "Alchemist" or maybe just some kind of "Mad Scientist". Who the fuck really knows. But now, just as then, he forgets that there are people here who ACTUALLY are qualified to talk about what they talk about and do what they do. Not that he will pay any attention to them of course.
I really think some form of Myrcene THC molecule could be EXTREMELY effective at crossing the Blood Brain Barrier to get you high on way less, but that is just a complete guess, not even a theory.

Complete guess? You're barking up the wrong tree. And you call us trolls.
On to a key point here. The fish trap exists only because of the fish. If the fish is the desired effect from the communication, then what kind of fish trap would you design to optimize that desired end?

I also write far more than I ever post. Fadedawg is a light years a more patient and kinder person than Moi (a gawdamn Wolf), so I write from the heart as a carthartic, and then after walking around what I've spewed out to see how it may look from the other side and how they are likely to react, I edit and send.

I learned to do that justifying large capital equipment expenditures to corporate folks, whom opposed my proposals, and whose support I needed to succeed. I'm sorry to say that though I was mostly well respected in that arena, I was not uniformly liked and no one found me gifted inter-personally.

The difference is the magic that you can do before hitting the send key. Starting with, "Will this message catch the fish (achieve the effect) that I'm after?"

That I sometimes slip, is of course confirming prima facia evidence that I am really a dick head in disguise, and how well I mostly keep that a secret is a tribute to how many times I have been hoisted by my own petard and broken more of my corners and sharp edges off slamming against hard objects.

That I don't more often than I do now, bespeaks my fish actually being communication, as opposed to imposing my wit and will.

Reversing that though, go back and look at comments, walk around them, and then ask yourself what that fish trap was designed to catch?

Sirdabsalot462 likes this post <3
Hi I'm 35 and I'm in ok health. Usually its good but stress has got me not well. I started doing dabs cuz after the initial gross feeling I get, I feel great after but yesterday was not good. My friend makes it and never quite burns all the butane out. That's why the first few minutes I hate. The taste, the feeling is so gross. This time I waited the few minutes then I got up thinking nothing was different but I was extremely dizzy. I sat back down and within 10 minutes I started having a seizure. I thought it was until it passed and I couldn't move either arm or either leg. So I thought maybe a stroke. I stood up a few times but I could not take a step. Now I have had a seizure one time due to low sodium but I don't remember anything... This time I was consciously trying to fight it. It seemed to last 5 or 10 minutes and afterwards I tried to get up and I couldn't. It was like I told myself to stand up but I couldn't. SSo scary. I feel lucky to be able to move my arms and legs today. I am slightly confused and very sore and tired today but at least I can walk...i went in to doctors today and they checked me out and my eloctrolites and such were low but not the cause....nothing abnormal but I feel anything but normal still. It is all speculation all I can say is every time I taste that horrible butane taste I think to myself this can't be good for me. But everyone says its fine and it takes away my migraines for sure but yesterday was scary. Any idea if it was butane causing? I no with a high dose of thc it can lower blood pressure which can cause some of the symptoms.
Hi I'm 35 and I'm in ok health. Usually its good but stress has got me not well. I started doing dabs cuz after the initial gross feeling I get, I feel great after but yesterday was not good. My friend makes it and never quite burns all the butane out. That's why the first few minutes I hate. The taste, the feeling is so gross. This time I waited the few minutes then I got up thinking nothing was different but I was extremely dizzy. I sat back down and within 10 minutes I started having a seizure. I thought it was until it passed and I couldn't move either arm or either leg. So I thought maybe a stroke. I stood up a few times but I could not take a step. Now I have had a seizure one time due to low sodium but I don't remember anything... This time I was consciously trying to fight it. It seemed to last 5 or 10 minutes and afterwards I tried to get up and I couldn't. It was like I told myself to stand up but I couldn't. SSo scary. I feel lucky to be able to move my arms and legs today. I am slightly confused and very sore and tired today but at least I can walk...i went in to doctors today and they checked me out and my eloctrolites and such were low but not the cause....nothing abnormal but I feel anything but normal still. It is all speculation all I can say is every time I taste that horrible butane taste I think to myself this can't be good for me. But everyone says its fine and it takes away my migraines for sure but yesterday was scary. Any idea if it was butane causing? I no with a high dose of thc it can lower blood pressure which can cause some of the symptoms.

Butane is unlikely to cause seizures at the levels present. Is there a possibility of pesticide residue in the concentrate you are using?
Butane is unlikely to cause seizures at the levels present. Is there a possibility of pesticide residue in the concentrate you are using?

I am pretty certain not pesticides but anything else is possible. It was made in a garage and by someone who doesn't think about the what ifs and future health concerns. I'm not sure why but not only was this dab lighter it also smoked quick. I'm a light weight and it was double what I usually have but didn't smoke like norm. I'm glad it prob wasn't butane....I don't want anyone sick
I am pretty certain not pesticides but anything else is possible. It was made in a garage and by someone who doesn't think about the what ifs and future health concerns. I'm not sure why but not only was this dab lighter it also smoked quick. I'm a light weight and it was double what I usually have but didn't smoke like norm. I'm glad it prob wasn't butane....I don't want anyone sick
When the Oregonian did an expose locally, a high percentage of the product they pulled from dispensaries had residual pesticides, so it's worth checking out. Some folks get a type 1 allergic reaction to Botrytis spores and filaments.
Hi I'm 35 and I'm in ok health. Usually its good but stress has got me not well. I started doing dabs cuz after the initial gross feeling I get, I feel great after but yesterday was not good. My friend makes it and never quite burns all the butane out. That's why the first few minutes I hate. The taste, the feeling is so gross. This time I waited the few minutes then I got up thinking nothing was different but I was extremely dizzy. I sat back down and within 10 minutes I started having a seizure. I thought it was until it passed and I couldn't move either arm or either leg. So I thought maybe a stroke. I stood up a few times but I could not take a step. Now I have had a seizure one time due to low sodium but I don't remember anything... This time I was consciously trying to fight it. It seemed to last 5 or 10 minutes and afterwards I tried to get up and I couldn't. It was like I told myself to stand up but I couldn't. SSo scary. I feel lucky to be able to move my arms and legs today. I am slightly confused and very sore and tired today but at least I can walk...i went in to doctors today and they checked me out and my eloctrolites and such were low but not the cause....nothing abnormal but I feel anything but normal still. It is all speculation all I can say is every time I taste that horrible butane taste I think to myself this can't be good for me. But everyone says its fine and it takes away my migraines for sure but yesterday was scary. Any idea if it was butane causing? I no with a high dose of thc it can lower blood pressure which can cause some of the symptoms.
are you going to continue to smoke bho? i sincerely hope you feel better and stay away from that GARBAGE.what more proof do people need
Maybe, this hash was too much thc and you became a bit psychotic.
I was psychotic, years ago, and i was so sure that the weed i smoked was mixed with something awful, like pcp or something. Psychosis can pretend physical symptoms very real.

I prefer normal weed and hash anyway, it contains substances, like cbd or cbn that decrease the risk of mental illnes or weed badtrips. Pure thc could be the opposite or the bho was really made bad or mixed with another substance.

I think as long as you stay away from this stuff it will become better quickly.
It was made in a place I no very well...I'm not sure how safe this forum is so thays all I can say. I've had several different batches each one not clean like the dispensaries are. I kept saying to the maker that it just can't be good for us because the taste and the smell was so strong. I was told its fine, its fine. I still smoked it because after the initial ickiness went away I felt great and hella stoned and its free. Maybe peoples body acts differently with chemicals. I can say this I have ate and smoked a lot of weed...I have experienced the unfun parts like paranoid thinking, light headiness etc but nothing that actually scared me like this. At this point in my life I'm not at my best. Single mom, stupid stress that is so overwhelming my doc says i can stroke out at any time.....my weight is fine...maybe a little under but I'm currently enimec and so on not 100 % healthy....can your body and hold it up or does it rid itself of butane? It sucks cuz if like to have a dab so this headache would go away
For all you know, the weed that the BHO was made from could have been full of mold, fungicides like Eagle 20, god knows what. What you described sounds more like the effects of some kind of agricultural chemical than from Cannabis extract. That's why you should never buy from dispensaries or people you know nothing about. They test for some shit but I doubt they test for every chem sold in America. Now you're probably fucked for life from getting dosed with Eagle 20 or something worse. Let this be a lesson to you that you should only deal with small reputable producers. This is a perfect case to illustrate the dangers of mass produced Cannabis products. When a plant is that prone to fungus, how the fuck is a big producer going to get a crop out with no fungicides?
It was made in a place I no very well...I'm not sure how safe this forum is so thays all I can say. I've had several different batches each one not clean like the dispensaries are. I kept saying to the maker that it just can't be good for us because the taste and the smell was so strong. I was told its fine, its fine. I still smoked it because after the initial ickiness went away I felt great and hella stoned and its free. Maybe peoples body acts differently with chemicals. I can say this I have ate and smoked a lot of weed...I have experienced the unfun parts like paranoid thinking, light headiness etc but nothing that actually scared me like this. At this point in my life I'm not at my best. Single mom, stupid stress that is so overwhelming my doc says i can stroke out at any time.....my weight is fine...maybe a little under but I'm currently enimec and so on not 100 % healthy....can your body and hold it up or does it rid itself of butane? It sucks cuz if like to have a dab so this headache would go away
It was made in a place I no very well...I'm not sure how safe this forum is so thays all I can say. I've had several different batches each one not clean like the dispensaries are. I kept saying to the maker that it just can't be good for us because the taste and the smell was so strong. I was told its fine, its fine. I still smoked it because after the initial ickiness went away I felt great and hella stoned and its free. Maybe peoples body acts differently with chemicals. I can say this I have ate and smoked a lot of weed...I have experienced the unfun parts like paranoid thinking, light headiness etc but nothing that actually scared me like this. At this point in my life I'm not at my best. Single mom, stupid stress that is so overwhelming my doc says i can stroke out at any time.....my weight is fine...maybe a little under but I'm currently enimec and so on not 100 % healthy....can your body and hold it up or does it rid itself of butane? It sucks cuz if like to have a dab so this headache would go away
Your body rids itself of butane, and it is non toxic enough for the FDA to rate it as GRAS, or generally regarded as safe.

Here is a MSDS which shows a Rat LD-50 of 658,000 mg/M3 for four hours. It is oxygen deprivation that kills, not its toxicity.
Ok everyone I'm not here to bash on anyone or anything . I just want to put my story out there . So here it goes. I'm 19 healthy , work out too. Never had any health issues. Ok so let me stay . I got quarter of dabs. I didn't know if they were bad. Smoked them chronically for a week i never coughed and I know there big dab hits least a pee size . 5 times a day. All of the sudden I started getting burning sensation I'n my heart and chest. I knew there was something wrong I stopped right away when I noticed this but it's to late. I have been hospital 4 times now, lost feeling in whole body, can't hear. Can't see. Can't taste right at all now. My skin is crawling and tingling and burning all the time now. Too .I'm dizzy and balance is off bad headaches. I'm just hear to tell u guys there was butane in the dabs and now I'm screwed up. Just don't want anyone else to go through what I am. It really sucks and I have no idea how to help myself. So there u go proof if u don't know what's in ur stuff or know how it's made I wouldn't do it. Have a blessed day everyone!

Dude the same thing happened to me recently. Are you doing any better? I'm very concerned about the numbness/to going in my hands and feet..plz lmk of your status brother