I'm sitting here naked...

Should he come home and do me now, or do me later?

  • Yes, Dave should come home and do her now.

    Votes: 17 26.6%
  • Yes, Dave should come home and do her later.

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Dave should just come home and do her.

    Votes: 17 26.6%
  • Biscuits (I've had too many muffins).

    Votes: 26 40.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hey, any biscuit voters want to speak up? I can't believe that more people voted biscuits than anything else. That's not to say there's anything wrong with biscuits, mind you. I love biscuits, flaky tender buttermilk biscuits. Hell, I make a pretty mean biscuit from scratch, if I do say so myself. I just figured more people would be into love than biscuits.

Thanks to the ONE who voted that Dave should just do me now. :D
That'd be me Seamaiden. I totally understand your desire for freedom and passionate necking or doing. Hope your love gets there right now:peace:
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Well-Known Member
HA! I wish I had someone to come home and do me! I've been single for a year now. I live alone, though, and I looooove it! I'm kind of enjoying not having a bf right now. And I'm sitting here naked in front of my computer! (Well, not completely, I just got out of the shower and I did manage to put on underwear. But nothing else!) Walking around naked all the time, to me, is the best part of not having a roommate (well, that and not having someone else's dirty dishes in my sink.) I used to have a roommate who walked around naked too, so it was no biggie, but then she started dating this guy who took up residence on my couch and was always watching my TV or playing my Playstation, and I was not about to be nekkid in front of that loser. He was also frequently in the bathroom when I needed to use it. Not sure what that was all about.

Sometimes I forget and just walk out on my terrace topless. I figure if somebody out there has never seen boobs before, I'll give 'em an education (and I've got just the boobage to do it!) :mrgreen:

I'm from the South originally and I just have to state for the record the tremendous importance of a good biscuit.
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Well-Known Member
HA! I wish I had someone to come home and do me! I've been single for a year now. I live alone, though, and I looooove it! I'm kind of enjoying not having a bf right now. And I'm sitting here naked in front of my computer! (Well, not completely, I just got out of the shower and I did manage to put on underwear. But nothing else!) Walking around naked all the time, to me, is the best part of not having a roommate (well, that and not having someone else's dirty dishes in my sink.) I used to have a roommate who walked around naked too, so it was no biggie, but then she started dating this guy who took up residence on my couch and was always watching my TV or playing my Playstation, and I was not about to be nekkid in front of that loser. He was also frequently in the bathroom when I needed to use it. Not sure what that was all about.

Sometimes I forget and just walk out on my terrace topless. I figure if somebody out there has never seen boobs before, I'll give 'em an education (and I've got just the boobage to do it!) :mrgreen:

I'm from the South originally and I just have to state for the record the tremendous importance of a good biscuit.

i've never seen boobs before. :mrgreen: welcome to rollitup. :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
never turn down an education. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

My boobs and I thank you for the welcome. You should come hang out on the terrace sometime -- bazooms AND pot plants! :) Not to mention the organic veggies and herbs (the legal kind.)

Von Dankenstein, you're in Humboldt Co? I went there two years ago to help a friend with harvest and I loved it. We went into a bagel shop and on the chalkboard behind the counter with all the flavors, it said, "HAPPY HARVEST," and the kid behind the counter was wearing a shirt with a pot leaf. When we were driving back to her place, we saw a guy with big dreadlocks standing at a stop light holding a sign that said, "Broke, hungry hippie," and the person in the van in front of us rolled down the window and handed him a bag from Taco Bell. It was awesome.

Oh, and I met a little old lady in her 70s who had been growing for 50 years. That was awesome too.
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Well-Known Member
I haven't yet visited Humbolt Co., but I do want to hit the Trinity Alps to find Bigfoot. :D Hippies are easy to find.

Littlebat, let the big boobs UNTIE! Although, I've got to admit, after... (calculating in my head..) over 30 years of having them, sometimes I get tired of them. They get in the way, they're heavy, blouses never fit if I get a size to fit the rest of me, so I have to get large sizes so my boobs fit. Bathing suits? Oh man, fuhged abowdid. At least I've got the child-bearin' hips to balance 'em off, or I'd just fall right over. D'oh!

Since Dave's dad and my youngest son live with us, there is no walking around naked anymore. So, when my S-I-L came up from Ceres to pick up the Old Man... hoo boy! Of course, it took me more than 12 hours to figure out that I was alone and COULD do it. I went on the back deck yesterday and tended my garden naked, too.

Educate, educate, educate 'em all, littlebat. :twisted:

That'd be me Seamaiden. I totally understand your desire for freedom and passionate necking or doing. Hope your love gets there right now:peace:
You rock. :D
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Well-Known Member
Naked stoned gardening is the BEST! :mrgreen: I started a grow journal, did you see it?

I've had my boobs for...um...I guess about 25 years now? I think I'm looking okay for an old lady, but sometimes when I look in the mirror I see where they are now and think about where they were a decade ago...ah well, gravity and all.

My best friend from high school and I met up a few months ago, for the first time in 8 years. She has two sons who are now teenagers, and let me tell you, it weirds me out that I'm now old enough my friends have teenagers. Anyway, one of her sons competes in gymnastics*, and I used to, so we were out in the front yard doing cartwheels -- and can I just say he gave me a spot and I did a back walkover? Awww yeah. And he said, "You and my mom are hot for your age."

It was sweet, but I was like...FOR MY AGE? I've reached the point where I'm not just regular hot, I'm hot "for my age." :p

*yay Olympics! Less than two months!!
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Well-Known Member
when i had the house to myself i tried the naked thing. it was all good until i started cooking. then it was too much, my johnson felt too vulnerable.:oops:


Well-Known Member
mjetta, 18 years ago, me, bacon, nipple, not good. Still have a scar. DON'T FRY BACON NAKED! :lol: (And don't put salt in your eye.)
Naked stoned gardening is the BEST! :mrgreen: I started a grow journal, did you see it?

I've had my boobs for...um...I guess about 25 years now? I think I'm looking okay for an old lady, but sometimes when I look in the mirror I see where they are now and think about where they were a decade ago...ah well, gravity and all.

My best friend from high school and I met up a few months ago, for the first time in 8 years. She has two sons who are now teenagers, and let me tell you, it weirds me out that I'm now old enough my friends have teenagers. Anyway, one of her sons competes in gymnastics*, and I used to, so we were out in the front yard doing cartwheels -- and can I just say he gave me a spot and I did a back walkover? Awww yeah. And he said, "You and my mom are hot for your age."

It was sweet, but I was like...FOR MY AGE? I've reached the point where I'm not just regular hot, I'm hot "for my age." :p

*yay Olympics! Less than two months!!
Not a mom? Then you can't be a MILF. :lol: Um.. I don't think I hit your journal! :o How could I have been so remiss?

I remember when my oldest was 17 and I was in Imperial Beach visiting a friend of mine, and this KID who was all of 18 started hitting on me. I was flattered, but... it's icky. I can't get past the age thing, I guess. Besides, I like old guys. Dave's got a couple of shirts I made him buy.
One says "Old Guys Rule; High Mileage Low Maintenance". :D

Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Shine On.


Well-Known Member
come in here dear boy have a cigar
u gonna go far
u gonna fly high
u never gonna die
u gonna make it if u try
they gonna love u

i know about the age thing,
older men are supossed to lust after the young girls,
and they look great,
but u can only talk to candyfloss for about 3 seconds
before u run for the hills


Well-Known Member
come in here dear boy have a cigar
u gonna go far
u gonna fly high
u never gonna die
u gonna make it if u try
they gonna love u

i know about the age thing,
older men are supossed to lust after the young girls,
and they look great,
but u can only talk to candyfloss for about 3 seconds
before u run for the hills
You are now reminding me of another S.A. friend of mine, one of my first internet buddies, known him for about 8 years now. Sharp as a God damned tack, I tell you WHAT. Can't get anything past Budo, not a thing.


Well-Known Member

We've been so busy with work, the love and I barely get enough time to kiss goodbye.

Started thinking of her after I saw this. Winky the milk-spitting funnel ferret is taking leaps and bounds toward a full salute.

Oh, correction:

Now I'm officially stuck here with a Pope John Pole III. Thanks. :p


Well-Known Member

We've been so busy with work, the love and I barely get enough time to kiss goodbye.

Started thinking of her after I saw this. Winky the milk-spitting funnel ferret is taking leaps and bounds toward a full salute.

Oh, correction:

Now I'm officially stuck here with a Pope John Pole III. Thanks. :p
Your dick must be extremely deformed to deserve such names as that..

I call mine Clark Kent Man of Steel.. well actually this girl I knew named it that, but it kinda stuck..


Well-Known Member

We've been so busy with work, the love and I barely get enough time to kiss goodbye.

Started thinking of her after I saw this. Winky the milk-spitting funnel ferret is taking leaps and bounds toward a full salute.

Oh, correction:

Now I'm officially stuck here with a Pope John Pole III. Thanks. :p
You've gotta fix that.


Well-Known Member
Naked stoned gardening is the BEST! :mrgreen: I started a grow journal, did you see it?

I've had my boobs for...um...I guess about 25 years now? I think I'm looking okay for an old lady, but sometimes when I look in the mirror I see where they are now and think about where they were a decade ago...ah well, gravity and all.

My best friend from high school and I met up a few months ago, for the first time in 8 years. She has two sons who are now teenagers, and let me tell you, it weirds me out that I'm now old enough my friends have teenagers. Anyway, one of her sons competes in gymnastics*, and I used to, so we were out in the front yard doing cartwheels -- and can I just say he gave me a spot and I did a back walkover? Awww yeah. And he said, "You and my mom are hot for your age."

It was sweet, but I was like...FOR MY AGE? I've reached the point where I'm not just regular hot, I'm hot "for my age." :p

*yay Olympics! Less than two months!!

what kinda worries me is he said his mom was hot:neutral:

plot twist.