I'm sold, switching it up to all organics with my new grow room.

Well I have pretty much everything that I need, picked up some guanos, a 12-11-2 seabird guano and 0-7-0 and a bunch of castings along with some liquid kelp, which i went with instead of the powder as i want to try cloning with it instead of chem iba formulas. Only thing I haven't picked up yet is alfalfa meal, going to just use castings/molasses/kelp and also a separate tea using appropriate guanos, using fish emulsion added during veg, maybe 1 tsp per gal on that.

Starting seeds out in 36 oz cups ending in 5 gals, going to heed the advice of a sprinkle (thinking a tbsp spread around transplant area?) of quick start to help the transplant process. I think i'll let them go about 2 weeks from seed in the plastic cups then to the 5 gals for another 2-3 weeks of veg.

I ordered a couple new 600's to flower with, along with a conversion bulb for my old 400 magnetic ballast to veg with for now. Next lighting move will be to some led's I'm looking to build so these should do for awhile anyways, I think 2 600's in the 4X8 tent should be fine as well for now.

Also going to head to the store and pick up stuff to build a little worm bin in the garage, more than enough scraps to sustain one so might as well save some $$ long term and push the recycle aspect of the whole grow op.

Will be running Selene from Sannies along with probably some Glass Slipper by RPC, though that may change to the freebies from Sannie, undecided still. I'll hopefully be collecting some pollen/seeding a branch or two of each as well so fingers crossed for a decent male who will go in the storage unit with some CFL's.
Its hard to refute everyone's claims that teas are the shit, I have been leaning that direction for awhile now, in which case i think that the starter and garden tone would be enough in combination with the happy frog. There's a local place with pretty good prices on guanos and carries wiggle worm castings as well on the cheap. Thanks for the tip, lots changing with this new grow I'm pretty pumped.

Teas are the absolute best thing ever, but a bit of advice concerning them before you make them. As you will read, it is not possible to overdo it with a compost tea. This is 100% true. However, when you start adding guanos to your tea your tea is not a compost tea anymore. It is now a guano tea, and if you use your guano tea with the mentality that you won't burn your plants then you'll be as sad as I was when I found out the hard way :P So, if you are only using legit compost, EWC, or Alaskan Humus in your tea with a little bit of molasses then you won't burn if you apply every watering. However, when you add guanos or anything else that can burn your plants that badly, treat them the same as synthetics. Try a little bit out and see how that goes for 4-7 days, if they look like they need more up the dose a little bit until they look happy. Keep in mind that if you use Subcool's supersoil, you should really only need pure water. Good luck with your organic ventures my friend! Might I recommend doing tons of research and reading Rev's TLO book as well as other organic threads. If you don't have a thorough understanding of how the organic materials you are using work then you'll make a lot of the mistakes that I made, many of which could have been avoided had I done more research first.
Yeah I am planning on using a compost tea as well as an "as needed" basis of completely separate feedings with guano teas. Less has always been more for me concerning nutes so I really plan to keep the guanos to a minimum, realistically thinking that a few well timed flowering guano teas will be more than ok. New MH bulb for my 400 will be here wednesday, should be getting my Glass Slipper germing then, still waiting on my pack of Selene from Sannies (just ordered on friday) with my shiva X c99 freebies I am quite excited about, which I'll get going as soon they come in.
Teas are the absolute best thing ever, but a bit of advice concerning them before you make them. As you will read, it is not possible to overdo it with a compost tea. This is 100% true. However, when you start adding guanos to your tea your tea is not a compost tea anymore. It is now a guano tea, and if you use your guano tea with the mentality that you won't burn your plants then you'll be as sad as I was when I found out the hard way :P So, if you are only using legit compost, EWC, or Alaskan Humus in your tea with a little bit of molasses then you won't burn if you apply every watering. However, when you add guanos or anything else that can burn your plants that badly, treat them the same as synthetics. Try a little bit out and see how that goes for 4-7 days, if they look like they need more up the dose a little bit until they look happy. Keep in mind that if you use Subcool's supersoil, you should really only need pure water. Good luck with your organic ventures my friend! Might I recommend doing tons of research and reading Rev's TLO book as well as other organic threads. If you don't have a thorough understanding of how the organic materials you are using work then you'll make a lot of the mistakes that I made, many of which could have been avoided had I done more research first.

^^Good post!!^^
I changed my garden from advanced nutrients to subs supersoil and haven't looked back since! Kinda disappointed I ran synthetics for as long as did.
Do you recycle the super soil beuffer, or just start from scratch each time?

i have a spot out back where I keep the old dirt stored, I don't use it indoors again but I do treat it and use in the green house. So for the indoors part of the garden it is from fresh every time. Once I get some more room in my garden area I'll recycle for the indoors part, it'll save money, and be more efficient as well:)
I have not read all the latest posts in this thread, but I just want to say be careful with the seabird guano. That stuff is HOT. It can easily burn your plants if you aren't careful. Personally I would not add that (or any other guano) to a compost tea brew. If you feel your plants need additional nutrients, read up on how to brew guano tea. It's a slightly different process than AACT.
Made up a new batch today, bit different than the last, just trying to make sure i'll have enough once the girls i just started are out of the veg box.

6 cf roots organics 707 formula
2 cf perlite
1 cup seabird guano
1 cup 0-7-0 bat guano
4 cups espoma plant tone
3 cups garden lime
15 cups of castings

Watered up and set in the garage for awhile, really like the feel and look of the 707 I think it will be good stuff. Went light on the guanos, still much more rich than my last stuff figured I would start out light.