Hi Blackout - like your storey - i think i have narrowed it down to either a cricket or a mouse - as the animal was very delicate to leave just the stem yet ate all the leaves very neatly. - nothing was left and i di leave some green house netting over it but i left the sides un secured.
I just realized i cannot grow indoors as my partner is agaginst all the lights and shit. So i am building a small green house so less bugs get in. Do youknow at what age the plants should be before i start to use pestacide ( an organic one) if plants are too young will they die if i use pestacide? Those roos you have would knock down anything the size and strenght of wild roos are amazing ...good luck with your crop...
g,day mate,i got something called eco-oil it is b.f.a organic registerd product,and it is really good i have used it on my last crop,but since my new room is air con and sealed pretty much i have had no bugs,touch wood,but it is good shit,$19.95 from a local nursery,i am in w.a but it is made in n.s.w,so if you live over east it may be a bit cheaper,my mate had spider mite and it worked for him,he has used more of it than me,and still heaps left,it says it is good for whitefly,aphids,and mites,and various other nasties.
i cant read at what age you can use it as the writing on the back is tiny,and i am an old fart,so blind as a bat.
it was 40celcius today,and 42 tommorrow looks like a warm week ,went for a walk in the bush,and the plants are looking good considering the heat.
and yeah mice ,or cicadas etc,i even found rats climbing a corn plant and eating the fucker,did not even take off when i went to fuck it off,some mean mother rats ,i had to resort to a ging to shoot at the prick.
but i have used it on four week old ones and no sign of damage,so it should be o.k,also if you are in a greenhouse or even outside i put a yellow tray with some soap, bleach or whatever,and they are attracted to the colour, i get heaps of dead bugs floating in it when i check,but it stands out to much in the bush,but i have a couple of plants in my back garden and it gets heaps.
good to see a dinki di on board good look mate and good growing