I'm stumped guys. please help


Well-Known Member
My runoff is always around 6.4-6.7 and ppms are around 100 less than what's going in. Although yesterday's runoff was about 75-100 higher than what went in. That was from the plant showing the most problem, so when I get a chance today I will flush plain ph'd water followed by a feeding


Well-Known Member
You want to make sure the PH of your feed going in is 5.8-6.0. The runoff is not important in coco (and not as easily measured as it is in soil), because coco stays at the ph it wants to stay at. Just search about all the people who tried to flush coco to raise or lower ph and didn't get anywhere.


Well-Known Member
I'm just flushing to relieve the excess of TDS which I believe is causing a lock out of magnesium.

As stated before, im sure using calmag plus tap water caused an abundance of calcium and thus locking out magnesium.

Correct me if I'm wrong


Well-Known Member
Also guys. I really appreciate everyone's help and there suggestions, but I would also like to mention this is not my first grow and I have been very successful with growing in coco and using GH nutes. I'm not going to change my ways or products because it works for you.

Again, thank you for adding your knowledge and advice if it was relevant.


Well-Known Member
and believe me my flowers are grade a
If there's one thing i've learned on these forums it's that people talk complete and utter shit. So no, we don't believe you so prove it with pictures and show us that we should take you seriously.

As a side note; i see alot of people on these forums who post pictures of their grow and think their grow is awesome, and i look at it and go jesus that looks terrible. So many pictures of spindly lanky christmas trees, lacking in thick lush foliage. Honestly, people have such low standards on here.


Well-Known Member
just throwing this out there i use this soil i found at my local country feed store its called fertilome ultimate its got all the shit u hear people talking about already in it (perlite , dolomite , peat moss , my plants love it ive been running plain water for a couple weeks and they dont look like they want nutes at all but i feel like i want to give it some ff big bloom and a little cal mag anyways , i also have some in flower that im gonna give a little big bud advanced nutes to ... and its only like 4.99 for an 8qt bag


Well-Known Member
3 plants from back to front we have buzz light gear , atomic bomb, and critical x cheese candy , they are only 6 days into flower , different sizes so i can compare yeilds and see what is a good veg time for what i want . buzz is showing some small preflowers and pistols but cant get a decent pic yet 20150915_104920.jpg 20150915_105032.jpg 20150915_105050.jpg


Well-Known Member
i do have a little claw on a leaf or 2 i think its because i didnt drill drain holes in my pot so the excess wasnt draining


Well-Known Member
just throwing this out there i use this soil i found at my local country feed store its called fertilome ultimate its got all the shit u hear people talking about already in it (perlite , dolomite , peat moss , my plants love it ive been running plain water for a couple weeks and they dont look like they want nutes at all but i feel like i want to give it some ff big bloom and a little cal mag anyways , i also have some in flower that im gonna give a little big bud advanced nutes to ... and its only like 4.99 for an 8qt bag
Hey person, wha's up? Anyway, if your plants like the soil at this point in their life, all is good. Some people use big buck dirt, like that frog shit or Ocean Forest, that has too much shit in it, IMOP. (Read about problems with it as far as burn)
I used both, and to me,the soil I got at the garden center was just as good, and I/2 the cost. Normal house plant stuff has way enough nutes to deal with a 4 month plant (IMOP again). I amend it in the beginning though with a decent amount of perlite,( vermiculite works as well, but will absorb nutes) Then I add some sea weed which contains the minerals and Magnesium/Calcium particularly needed), and away I go. You MUST remember that soil WILL hold nutes, so be VERY easy during your grow. I use the last 2 1/2 - 1 1/2 weeks to really add something for bloom, and I use Awesome Blossoms (Tecnaflora) which is excellent, and goes a long way. Its N P K is 2-11-11 and is the only bloom booster I use. Fuck Advanced, all they do ( IMOP) is sell a lot of ferts that really not needed. (And make ton's of money off of nubes) In soil I would not sweat Cal/Mag. Sounds like you have a handle on your grow, just remember, too much is too much (lol). Easy does it, and save the money from buying Big Bud and get some seeds instead (Bomb Seeds are highly recommend) Good luck and always have fun growing, it's a blast.


Well-Known Member
big bud advanced nutes was a free sample with my hydro set up ( which failed miserablle.... self pollenated , was bag seed and first gro .) imo hydro is not for first time growers i had all kinda problems i was chasing a never ending soluttion,,,, and didnt notice all my seedy calyx till week 4 of flower .... havent had an issue yet in soil.... ill give awesome blooms a shot my next order... i order all my seeds from midweek song ... atomic bomb is a bomb seed , buzz is dr crippling and critical cheese candy came from blim burn i think


Well-Known Member
happy frog and ocean forest werent available to me and cost to much imho ..... how ever i would never use miracle gro

james murphy

Well-Known Member
hopefully they dont..just keep it simple and try to stay relaxed and in good spirits around them...they love thrive on love...snds corny but its the truth..happy grows brother


Well-Known Member
lol i sing to them they like it, anyways anyone have any opinions on crossed stipules , i heard this can be but not always an indicator of females... i heard male plants never have crossed stipules just females and herms \


Well-Known Member
hopefully they dont..just keep it simple and try to stay relaxed and in good spirits around them...they love thrive on love...snds corny but its the truth..happy grows brother
Sorry about me being a cunt yesterday. Bad day and you were just there to receive my bad attitude. Oh, by the way I use the 3 part BC products and 1 other product (Tec. Awesome Blossoms) for bloom, not 40. (lol) Peace brother

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
lol i sing to them they like it, anyways anyone have any opinions on crossed stipules , i heard this can be but not always an indicator of females... i heard male plants never have crossed stipules just females and herms \
I yell at and threaten my plants. "Perform or feel my bonsai shears, bitches!"


Well-Known Member
i teabag mine... not compost tea just my sweaty balls i feel like they will stray away from becoming male if i rubb my nutts on them.