Im terrified of Nutes


Well-Known Member

I just flipped my plants to 12/12 and Im not sure when it is exactly time to start nuteing but I am contemplating it soon, and frankly Im afraid. My plants are all happy and healthy at the moment and further I have three different strains going (rookie mistake) so I'm afraid that each plant will react differently and I will not be able to trouble-shoot my problems. Im growing Bubblecious, Blackberry and a mystery which is deff a sativa.

Any one willing to hold my hand, tell me what to do, and say everything will be okay kid?


Well-Known Member
Buy some Jacks classic, its cheap, works great, and you cant fuck it up. Nutes shouldnt be scary til you go hydro/soilless for the first time, dirt is easy. Read up on Jacks, plenty of great grows with it. I use it on my occasional dirt grows.


Well-Known Member
What do you have for nutes? Best thing to do is to lower the (N) at first but don't cut it out completely, you still need it for the flowers to develop. While upping the (P) and (K), and as you get a little deeper into flowering when the flowers are pretty formed cut out the (N) while keeping the (P) and (K) high. You will be fine, you got them this far!


I use Maxi Bloom in soil, 1 tsp to a gallon easy as pie, you can work up to 2 tsp/gal if you like or just cruise to completion.


Well-Known Member
I agree WDIK,
I usually do just that and almost never a problem ;-)_~
Let the plants "tell you" what they need and learn to spot the signs - such as N deficiency as shown
in one of my "bagseed ladies"


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I'm really not a bad guy.

Just business as usual and keep an eye on your plants.
They will let you know if they need anything.


Well-Known Member
Lucas formula,for starters...after that you'll get a general idea of how much/how little your plants can handle.


Active Member
Why are you so worried about nutrients? Start with trace amounts and work your way up. I don't understand what you are worried about. It will be okay. Good luck with your grow.


Gordo here, Nutes are added at half the recommended amount. I fertilize every other watering. I grow in soil. The water is spring water from a sand and gravel bank. A little cal/mag (half teaspoon per gallon of water) if the stems look purple. Seems to work. One day I'll grow a plant with plain water, no nutes, to see how much of a difference occurs. Good Luck

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
well, no one asked what medium you are growing in. but

soil, get some teas or mineral fertilizer

soiless, jacks or dyna

hydro, hydro specific nutes.

if you choose to grow in dirt, you want to feed the soil and the soil feeds the plant. synthetics work in soil, but if you want to use synthetics, they work better in soiless mediums,(peat,coco)


Well-Known Member
yes start slow. if you ask the old school organic growers they set their soil and let it go till flowering well the ones i know. then they add an organic bloom/molasses every other time you water. with organic its almsot impossible to over do it. outdoors i would use 1/4 the amount and feed with every water but outdoors that ment it hasnt rained. so not allot from me and they always did great as long as i kept the bugs off pepper water worked best for me. some times less is better and the less you put in means you dont alter the plants original taste as much.
Peace and love


Well-Known Member
Dude, if I can grow a decent cannabis plant, you sure as hell can too.

I had the same concerns, and I DID fuck up...once, but that mistake showed me two important things: First, the cannabis plant IS a bad motherfucker, and is VERY forgiving of mistakes. Second, those notes you take of how much you feed, when you feed, and how the plant looks, allow you to trouble shoot potential issues with a pretty g'damn high degree of accuracy.

Just start feeding slowly and a quarter strength, observe how your plants respond, and take it from there. You'll be aight'.