Im topping for the first time please help.

Mr. Bob

I read the article above uncles bens thing looks pretty easy if I was going to top for the first time and go for four main colas with northern lights crossed with skunk 1 its 80 % indica so its not as bushy. My question is if im using a water farm complete recirculating system with air stone added and will be feeding the babies with the general hydro line flora series since im a newb at hydro. Would I benefit from doing this. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i dont grow hydro, but personally id say yes, it will increase your over all yield.

to be sure though, why not top just half of them, and the compare results with the untopped ladies ;)

good luck!

Mr. Bob

Thank you sir when im topping them just cut the middle of the top of the plant off and then top the new leaves that grow through those and then I will have 4 main colas correct or incorrect.


New Member
benefitting from topping is strain dependent....where most strains can benefit,some will not.....
The goal to strive for is an even canopy

Mr. Bob

Ok well what about northern light mixed with skunk #1 would this not be a good strain to do topping I would say yeah even know im a newb at this but its 80% indica which means no bushy so Lots of light for the main 4 colas im gonna go for it. Im a beast anyways.


Well-Known Member
i second that, cuz i tried to top and since i grow 4-mounth flowering sats it din't make any diff, the main cola on my plants has great potential if you wait. but i monster crop now (cloning while flowering) you don't have to top. apical dominance is very lil. you end up with plants like this and you don't have to loose time vegging as your plant recovers from topping and your plants will be bushier & fatter mine are just real sat



Well-Known Member
Yes, top. Top right over the second node. Not the 3rd. Not the fourth. Just above the second. You will get this:

2011-12-03 09.10.34.jpg

The top, bottom, left, and right nodes are all of the main branches now after topping. All of you inner nodes will grow towards the middle, giving you a more even canopy. THAT is what produces more yield.


Well-Known Member
And try not to cut off any leaves unless they are getting absolutely 0% light. The leaves are like the plants solar cells. They are what your plant uses to receive and give energy for growth in your plant. If you trim, trim the nodes you don't want.

Mr. Bob

Next question nodes are branches so just count from the bottom left and right branches those are nodes if thats right then someone let me know if not help me also at what node is the best or most recommended to top I want whatever is going to give me a better yeild im only running 250 watt mh veg and hps for flower and general hydro flora series for nutes. And 2 water farm buckets with added air stones what kind of yeild will I be looking at.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strain you are growing and how everything goes...if it is too hot you will get less, if you give too much nutes or too little you yield less. There is no way to forecast a yield unless youa re experienced with the strain and know how it adapts to your level of gardening.

Brick Top

New Member
I read the article above uncles bens thing looks pretty easy if I was going to top for the first time and go for four main colas with northern lights crossed with skunk 1 its 80 % indica so its not as bushy. My question is if im using a water farm complete recirculating system with air stone added and will be feeding the babies with the general hydro line flora series since im a newb at hydro. Would I benefit from doing this. :joint:

It depends on the strain, on the genetics. Some strains respond very well to topping and will reward you greatly and others do not.

Sometimes breeder information will tell you if a strain responds well to topping or LSTing or Super-Cropping or any method of growing. Check and see if you can find out. You can also sometimes find grow/smoke reports where people who grew a strain will say if it responded well or poorly to any certain method of growing.

You might want to check here if you cannot find any information from the breeder's description of the strain.

Mr. Bob

Ight Brick top i read in a couple of places that people have topped it but they sounded like they had completly different growing environment I want to see what will happen maybe I will only do one. But idk.


Well-Known Member
You should see two branches from your first set of leaves. Then another 2 branches from your second set of leaves. Cut just above the second set of leaves. That is your second "true" node.


Well-Known Member
Look at the plant closely, get a good mental image in your mind,

Close your eyes and make exactly three snips with your scissors......

Snip Snip Snip....


Well-Known Member
Mr. Bob not to sound like a smartass this is not my intent, I welcome you to growing girls and any other type of plant you learn to grow. So, judging by your questions and seemingly lack of knowledge of growing plants I would suggest that you first grow a plant out naturally, one top learn its' needs and what it takes to grow it with no extra demands made by larger colas, like I say not being a smartass. If you take a cutting from a lower branch before flowering her you can grow a multi cola plant more successfully and therefore enjoy growing more. Personally I usually run a strain through once just to see what they need of like, but that is just me.
Best of Luck to you in your efforts