ima total noob at growing..its my first and i need help!


Active Member
hey i pretty much started smoking weed last year and all i could think about i spend sooo much on weed every month..why dont i just grow it i been doing a lot of reading and stuff and i know that i need lights to grow in side and alll but i dont have all of that right now..

ok well here is some pics of my first marijuana plant..
im pretty sure its a lil over a month old and i started late in the season, its been outside all of this time and today i brought it inside cause in minnesota it gets cold fast so i had to to avoid it from freezing to death, i currently do not have a light so i have it by a window..probely not the best idea but i have to make due. i need a question answered is it a male or female from these pictures, if its too bad quality im sorry.. the size of the plant is 8.5 inches.
my pics are bad quality but i willl get some better ones tomarrow.



New Member
Wow,you have have alot to best advice is to READ,READ..and oh yeah,READ!!There is much to learn in the art of cannabis is a rewarding hobby,and for some,a passion..To answer your question,that is most likely a female...

Remember females grow long pistils or "hairs"at every budsite,and the males grow BALLS..these balls will then open,and release pollen...GL


Active Member
o man have i been reading ha ha..i get like the 12/12 concept and 18/6 light stuff... but overall...what do you think, will it probely produce buds or will it die of shock because i put it inside?


Active Member
you mean node reffering to a male or female?
oo Btw in those cant really see it but the plants are full of little white that good?


Active Member
good i like to here that its a female, sorry i dont understand all of the lingo yet..but what do you think will it die cause it was outside but then i moved it inside but its still getting sunlight? by a window


Active Member
I would say its too early to tell. You wont know for a bit. I am on my first grow as well but my plant looks like a giant compared to yours and I cant tell yet and I have had mine for 6 or 7 weeks (Posted Below). It looks fine but you need CLFs asap if you want it to grow good luck.



Active Member
i say she is female. give her another day or two in 12/12 and you will see the little white hairs starting to sprout. check out my pic to see a female just showing her sex.


Well-Known Member
and yeah i would recommend u gettin CFLS quick so u can start ur cfl grow and havent u been growin it outside so doesnt that mean its been non the 12/12 schedule already???? unless u been takin it inside and puttin them in some light imma keep followin this one +rep and GL


Well-Known Member
any time after it starts showing preflowers like yours is.
the preflowers let you know the plant is sexually mature and can be flowered 12/12 at anytime depending on how big you want it to get. it will usually get 2 to 3 times the size before its finished flowering so a 12inch plant could get anywhere between 24 and 36 inches depending on lighting and strain


Active Member
when it hits 12 inches in height switch to 12/12 after 4-5 days..depending on will see the white hairs...if u don't you'll see a small sack under the stem instead of white hairs forming on top the stem. the sack showing is male


Active Member
kool very nice, is there anychance i could get a lil high if i took one of those leaves and dried them and smoked them?