ima total noob at growing..its my first and i need help!


Active Member
i don't see hairs either but your pics aren't the greatest to tell. and no you won't get high from any of those leaves. even once the plant is mature the leaves have little thc in them which is why people make butter or other stuff with it.


Active Member
yeah you cant see them in the picture.. but its 11 inches in height and the whole stem and everything is full of white hairs..and the picture was took after i sprayed it. so you cant tell..i will take some new ones soon


Well-Known Member
I still don't see any white hairs. I circled where you should be looking for hairs. I'd also water them instead of spraying the leaves. You want the roots to get water/nutrients/



Active Member
o yeah of course ha ha.i spray them cause i heard it helps growth too but thanks man and i see a lot of lil white hairs and i see like lil stringgy things too


Active Member
sorry to say but it turned into a male...wat a fucking first grow, total failure..i dont even have a lamp and its the end of the season..can someone tell me how much a very cheap light that will work well gonna be 16 soon so i can get a job to pay for it.


Active Member
Looks female. Nodes are new branch sprouts. Start 12/12 when you want to start growing buds. 8-16 in. tall. Depending on how long you want to wait/ How much herb you want to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Check on your camera if you haven't already figured it out, there is usually a setting and a handy button you push to switch to close up photos. Makes a big difference. Mine has a button and it has a picture of a mountain on one side and a flower on the other side of a slash. Your close up photos will turn out after that and the setting should appear on your LCD screen also.

Remember this is a generic statement, I don't know what kind of camera you have, Don't want you thinking we have the same camera and send you on a wild goose chase.


Well-Known Member
hey i pretty much started smoking weed last year and all i could think about i spend sooo much on weed every month..why dont i just grow it i been doing a lot of reading and stuff and i know that i need lights to grow in side and alll but i dont have all of that right now..

ok well here is some pics of my first marijuana plant..
im pretty sure its a lil over a month old and i started late in the season, its been outside all of this time and today i brought it inside cause in minnesota it gets cold fast so i had to to avoid it from freezing to death, i currently do not have a light so i have it by a window..probely not the best idea but i have to make due. i need a question answered is it a male or female from these pictures, if its too bad quality im sorry.. the size of the plant is 8.5 inches.
my pics are bad quality but i willl get some better ones tomarrow.

all i can say is now your plant will be flowering.
so dont mess with the light sced.
if you are bringing it indoors in a window, make sure in the dark period, that no light gets to the plant, or it will stress and go hermie and start growing seeds and no buds.
it needs to be in a room where you dont turn any lights on at night.


Well-Known Member
check it out...i have a 5 mp camera and it just sucks.. well take a look
my camera is 5 mg .
you are using your camera wrong.
has your camera got a setting with a flower and one with like backgrounds.
use the flower setting for plants.
every camera has one.
maybe look at the cameras manual.

on my camera you have to twist the lense around.

check it out and tell us if you got it sorted.


Active Member
what camera have you got?.
o i never saw that button..ill do that for next time...o and i think i have a hermie now...o well shit has female pebuds and it has balls...ive been trying the prebuds every now and then so its chopped up a bit..when i can get a charger ill post more