IMAGEOPTIM & securing your photos


Well-Known Member
Program erases metadata and geolocation from photos you want to post on here or any website really. If your not sure why thats helpful you can look it up but basically removes all your information and background data you dont really see.
Thats my tip for today folks.

BTW use Tor Browser

Good day
The TOR browser is slow and no longer secure

there are a lot of programs that remove exif data
Good info. On a side note, while we're sort of on the subject, DuckDuckGo is a much more secure option for a search engine than Skynet, who track all sorts of shit, and most of us would probably prefer they didn't nosy at the stuff we're looking up, unless you're legal, I guess :peace:
I use an exif eraser, works fine for me..

I found a server on Amazon that I am thinking about buying, and with my brothers (computer nerd) help, we are thinking about starting our own forum for genetic trading. It will be for opening trading for legal states only.