imagine the courage it takes to be white.

You are the most courageous retard I know.
What he says is at least in part true, I dislike echo chambers with a passion and it's hardly brave to tell your non-racist peers how non-racist you are.

Why can't everyone just treat everyone the same? Black, Brown, White, Yellow and all the shades between...we're all the same...thats the message we need to spread.
It's really not white people's fault for having such a weak skin pigmentation gene.
They had to learn how to burn enough fossil fuel so the weather in Norway is like Africa before their gene will evolve.
you're not even using that meme correctly. that meme is supposed to get meta, like this:


but it was brave and courageous of you to try, like a small retarded racist child with a fear of public speaking trying to present a book report, but wetting his pants, throwing a tantrum, and running out of the room.