

Well-Known Member
Has anyone used imidacloprid on there plants? I want to have a mother plant that I move both outdoors and indoors and wanted to use imidacloprid to protect the mother from pest and insects. I am hopping that by the time the clones gets harvested that the imidacloprid is no longer present in the plants.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used imidacloprid on there plants? I want to have a mother plant that I move both outdoors and indoors and wanted to use imidacloprid to protect the mother from pest and insects. I am hopping that by the time the clones gets harvested that the imidacloprid is no longer present in the plants.
Spent about 10 seconds on google, doesn't sound like a good idea bro...


Well-Known Member
why do you say that jdizzle ?
Among the many things spoken of on its wiki page and in the summaries of a single google inquiry, it kills bees and is a big suspect in CCD :(.

"Imidacloprid, which is a systemic pesticide, is readily taken up by plant roots and translocates up into the plant leaves, pollen, and nectar via the xylem. Insects that eat the leaves or plant fluids may be killed, and pollinators that feed on the pollen and nectar may be exposed to imidacloprid"

You could use it on a mother but who knows how much will end up in the clone depending on its age?


Well-Known Member
I know it kills bees. But my plants are more important to me then the bees so I am willing to sacrifice a few bees for the sake of my plants. Last year almost all of my grow got killed by the beetle borer and I dont want to have the same thing happen again this season. Since I grow in Hawaii our weather here are ideal for all the pest and insects to thrive and attack the cannabis plant.


Well-Known Member
I know it kills bees. But my plants are more important to me then the bees so I am willing to sacrifice a few bees for the sake of my plants. Last year almost all of my grow got killed by the beetle borer and I dont want to have the same thing happen again this season. Since I grow in Hawaii our weather here are ideal for all the pest and insects to thrive and attack the cannabis plant.
Well I think there will always be some amount leftover and to me that is not worth the risk. But in reality I don't know enough to say if the amount (depending on how much you use) will remain in flowered bud, hell it probably wouldn't be all that bad with how beneficial the cannabinoids are and how much growing a clone can do (but again, I wouldn't take that risk for users or the environment). I advise to find another less toxic product, and/or grow indoors (LED just as capable as HID with 75% or less heat watt for watt)


Active Member
if it was used in hydro drain to waste, flushed the last 2 weeks you dont think this would suffice to flush most traces out ?
the amount to lethal dose is like 450mg/kg body mass. for me i would need nearly40grams of it.
the positives are good that i have found on it...... just my opinion, worth as much as the next guys i guess......


Well-Known Member
if it was used in hydro drain to waste, flushed the last 2 weeks you dont think this would suffice to flush most traces out ?
the amount to lethal dose is like 450mg/kg body mass. for me i would need nearly40grams of it.
the positives are good that i have found on it...... just my opinion, worth as much as the next guys i guess......
Wiki says its readily uptaken in the plant, I'm not one who believes flushing removes anything from the plant (it only removes stuff from the growing medium). Flushing can actually lock stuff into the plants even worse when they can't get certain resources they need to operate properly (kinda like how some vitamins/minerals are useless if not consumed with certain others,)


Active Member
i thought the purpose to flushing was to let the plant use up all available nutrients etc available and diminish the buildup in the plants


Well-Known Member
i thought the purpose to flushing was to let the plant use up all available nutrients etc available and diminish the buildup in the plants
Thats the idea some people got, but really it was mostly for chemical nute growers to help rid their growing medium of salt build up. If you wash out certain nutes too quickly the plant certain operations go into lockdown mode because suddenly there is no food (or like with the vitamins, certain resources become useless). If one feeds properly, or uses organic nutes you don't really need to flush. Just water like you normally would but don't add nutes, or add less and less each feeding the last few weeks. Flushing is for big fuck ups, like if you feed way too much of something on accident. Also a lot of the stuff people blame on not flushing is because of improper drying and curing of flowered bud (or the fact certain chemical nutes were used which flushing wouldn't help)

Sorry for kinda jacking this thread and not being very helpful on its primary subject, I'll shut up now unless I'm told not to


Active Member
all good.
i chopped a fem that went herm 3 weeks early couldnt really tell difference in bud taste from not being flushed but was a really light headed intesnse head high loved it


Well-Known Member
Imidacloprid is a systemic pesticide, so yes your plants will take this into their tissue. It is used in so many things that we consume how bad can it be if a little is left when we smoke the cannabis. Here are a list of items that Imidacloprid are commonly used in is grape growing, head and leaf lettuce, rice, grains and cereal including corn, potatoes, sugar beets, and many fruit crops. If it was so bad why do they let them use Imidacloprid in so many things that we consume?


Well-Known Member
I have seen Jorge Cervantes say that flushing will decrease the amount of THC in the buds by removing the nutrients that the cannabis needs to produce THC. I tried flushing and not flushing and couldnt tell the difference in taste, so for me its nutrients until harvest to increase the THC and cannaboids to its maximum.