ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL


Well-Known Member
yea those were day 26, and yea i agree they look small.

I would imagine thats from the temps being about 65-65 :(

I'm sure it is......Anyway you can up the temp a lil bit? Maybe add another light or two- it should help with the heat and the growth all in one...... Maybe it is about time u start hittin them with some nutes......

I'm usin the Expert Gardener Ferts for right now...... But like Mr. Pacific said and even tho I haven't used them, but judgin from the results of everyone else that's used them- I'd agree that Fox Farm nutes are the way to go.....

Thanks for the rep- how bout tippin the scales for me-hahaha


Well-Known Member
my cousin stopped by today to smoke one and I talked to him about it.

He said to put a bubbler from a fish tank or a submersible heater in a pan of water....

Genius! Can't believe I didn't think of that.

So I went out to the shed and grabbed my water heater from when I had a turtle. Set it up and plugged in the heater just a min ago.

Also noticed I had a little bit of bulb burn from touching one of the leaves. No matter, not that worried about it....

So this should help speed things up by adding a little bit of humidity and heat to the box. I will be keeping an eye and making sure the heat doesn't get to high.

Anyone know the optimum temp?


Well-Known Member

Temps are around 72 and the added heat & humidity is helping speed them up a big. I am starting to LST them, I'm thinking about getting them spun around the entire pot before i 12/12 them.

Big girl - seemingly a sativa strain - is growing at a little faster rate the then seemingly indica strain. She is also getting more undergrowth. Two-three branches are growing to what seems will be some bud spots.

Lil girl - doing good, just not as fast as big girl.


Well-Known Member
Day 42 Update:

Plants speeding up a bit, looking healthy. Started lst'ing these badboys- I'm thinking if i can speed up their growth a bit I may be working on spinning 'em around the pot then start flowering.

Not much to update.

Also the burn on both plants was from when I added the water heater to get the temps up - the paper hood started to droop so it was pressin against the plants giving them that burn .

Pics are as ordered:
1 - Big girl with her lst leaning away from you to show the undergrowth
2 - Big Girl from above
3- Lil girl from above
4 - Lil girl with her lst leaning away



Well-Known Member
Day 42 Update:

Plants speeding up a bit, looking healthy. Started lst'ing these badboys- I'm thinking if i can speed up their growth a bit I may be working on spinning 'em around the pot then start flowering.

Not much to update.

Also the burn on both plants was from when I added the water heater to get the temps up - the paper hood started to droop so it was pressin against the plants giving them that burn .

Pics are as ordered:
1 - Big girl with her lst leaning away from you to show the undergrowth
2 - Big Girl from above
3- Lil girl with her lst leaning away
4 - Lil girl from above

Plants are lookin good! looks like ur gettin some nice new green growth with them too! Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
get an oscilating fan and have some kind of wind blowing on them to strengthen the stem.... just an idea good luck on the grow bro:)


Well-Known Member
Day 46 update:

Not too much to update but wanted to add that there are 7 decent side grows coming up, thinking of each one as a bud made my mouth water......

Really haven't had to lst the indica strain yet, but have had to do it frequently with the sativa strain.


Well-Known Member
man, i think i lost my audience. Oh well, they'll be back if i get some fems and start showing the porno shots.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks for stayin tuned in.

while your you guys prune at all when you lst to help the bud sites to get more light? I wasn't thinkin much, maybe just a couple fan leaves per plant....

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
I read a bunch before I made any cuts, especially the big fan leaves, and most people seemed hesitant about pruning.

That being said, I did a lot of pruning on my bonsai. Not so much on my big girl, only if the leaves were dying already. Just don't go overboard with it.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks for stayin tuned in.

while your you guys prune at all when you lst to help the bud sites to get more light? I wasn't thinkin much, maybe just a couple fan leaves per plant....
I agree with Mr. Pacific. When I pruned, I just removed the fan leaves that were directly blocking the light to my lower branches.

You seen how many my Big Gurl has. So technically, I think it's a matter of preference. While trimming ur fan leaves and LST'ing it's amplifying the type of stress ur putting on them. Not much, but it's goin a lil beyond LST. But I think it just makes them fill out better.....

Just don't go overboard that's all.


Well-Known Member
what about just trimmin the leaves it self just a bit rather then cuttin the entire stem of the fan leaf?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips guys. After reading your posts i did a little research on the subject. Seems most people are against trimming and pruning because it stresses the plant, but most go a long with light trimming just to give light to the bud spots - So thats what I am going to do.

On a side note, I also added 3 23watt daylights yesterday to both help with the temp and the obvious increase in light for the plant :)

So that brings the total to 3 23 watters and 2 26 watters.....

Temps were in the 68's-70's and now holding pretty steady at 72-74 :)