imm help


hi there.... some of my girls have shown their hairs on some parts, but there's still no news of flowering after passing about 3 weeks. What's wrong with my girls? do they flower at all? how long later should I wait? please help me it's fucking drive me up the wall. specifications: Sativa & indica, planted early on May, in soil, outdoors,
Everyone's got to a late start this year!! Patience. ... where are you from are you going to run in to troubles in november?? I'm in cali as long as it doesn't rain. . I'm fine...I hate covering them and the mold problems the humidity brings! Ugh! U can force flower next year or now if you want to speed up the process! ! Light deprivation!
Depends on where you live. If your not flowering now im guessing you live quite far north? Up north of the 49th parallel most strains wont start to flower until 3rd week of august give or take. Again depending on where you live it can be quite problematic as you may not have enough season before snow/frost becomes an issue.

Im up in BC Canada and I dont even bother messing around. I force flower my plants by moving them into a shed at night and taking them out in the morning. Half of mine are done this weekend.
Depends on where you live. If your not flowering now im guessing you live quite far north? Up north of the 49th parallel most strains wont start to flower until 3rd week of august give or take. Again depending on where you live it can be quite problematic as you may not have enough season before snow/frost becomes an issue.

Im up in BC Canada and I dont even bother messing around. I force flower my plants by moving them into a shed at night and taking them out in the morning. Half of mine are done this weekend.
True story but it's hard to force flower outdoor when Guerrilla growing, I have a bunch that aren't doing anything yet either other than preflowers. I haven't been in a week but I would bet I'm not far ahead or behind the original poster. I am at 46th latitude in Ontario and yeah at least 2-3 weeks behind now anyway. I hope we are in for a mild fall, because I usually have to pull on Oct 12/13.
thanks guys, it was a great help. I live in a mountainous region up north somewhere in Iraq. I'm asking my question again: Is that possible that my plants won't be flowering at all? no matter how long it takes, I will wait all my life if I make sure they flower sometime in the future. please focus on answering this... thanks in advance. waiting!
thanks guys, it was a great help. I live in a mountainous region up north somewhere in Iraq. I'm asking my question again: Is that possible that my plants won't be flowering at all? no matter how long it takes, I will wait all my life if I make sure they flower sometime in the future. please focus on answering this... thanks in advance. waiting!
Wow it's almost Bizzarre that all over the world flowering is behind, I would say that they will def start as mine did and some are still slacking. I am in Northern Canada so I would imagine if mine started yours should fairly soon too. Search sunrise sunset times for your area and find out how many hours of sunlight/night you are getting. Most areas are at 13 hours and under now roughly, most strains will start once you hit 13-14 hours light. Sativa's usually require under 13 hours,Indica's however should be flowering in most areas by now, so they are def late. Good luck and rest assured they will eventually flower, it's just a matter of time and darkness hahaha.
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THANKS a million dear Codester25, I can rest in peace now and enjoy waiting to die... check out my girls, what's your idea?
No prob man, you should be seeing buds form for sure in the next few days. It's time for them to kick into overdrive, daytime is fadding.
Oh I'm sorry, thought i could upload an image, but my profile picture is the image I was talking about... and they're much taller and bigger now and have started to flower yesterday... but their yield isn't as the amount I expected. Do the flowers get bigger?
Oh I'm sorry, thought i could upload an image, but my profile picture is the image I was talking about... and they're much taller and bigger now and have started to flower yesterday... but their yield isn't as the amount I expected. Do the flowers get bigger?
yes the flowers will grow bigger it takes a couple months for them to mature
Congratulations on the plants flowering, Patience is Key for sure. Try to not pull them before mid to late October at the earliest and your yield should be good. You are in the mother land for Marijuana growing (especially indica/hybrids). I bet you will score a couple ounces easy on those each if you wait a good 6 weeks from now at least.
Oh I'm sorry, thought i could upload an image, but my profile picture is the image I was talking about... and they're much taller and bigger now and have started to flower yesterday... but their yield isn't as the amount I expected. Do the flowers get bigger?
understood, profile pic
Congratulations on the plants flowering, Patience is Key for sure. Try to not pull them before mid to late October at the earliest and your yield should be good. You are in the mother land for Marijuana growing (especially indica/hybrids). I bet you will score a couple ounces easy on those each if you wait a good 6 weeks from now at least.
Hi dear Codester25, thanks for the encouragement, eye master, I'll wait but don't you think it's a bit too long? Cause it's getting colder here that we have to close the windows at nights... Does the coldness have anything to do with flowering?
Hi dear Codester25, thanks for the encouragement, eye master, I'll wait but don't you think it's a bit too long? Cause it's getting colder here that we have to close the windows at nights... Does the coldness have anything to do with flowering?
Hey brother, I completely understand your aprehension. The coldweather can help to force the plants to hurry up and finish flowering. I find after a snap of cold for a good week the buds just explode and pack on weight daily ( and purple color haha). Don't worry as long as it's not too much below 0 degrese celcius, you'll be more than fine. I've even survived -1 celcius in 2012 on October 12, had to blow the frost/snow off the tops of the plants in the early morning when I harvested haha. So anyway don't worry but once you get a night or two where it's below zero celcus or 30-35 F, than it's time to chop. Good Luck!

Hey brother, I completely understand your aprehension. The coldweather can help to force the plants to hurry up and finish flowering. I find after a snap of cold for a good week the buds just explode and pack on weight daily ( and purple color haha). Don't worry as long as it's not too much below 0 degrese celcius, you'll be more than fine. I've even survived -1 celcius in 2012 on October 12, had to blow the frost/snow off the tops of the plants in the early morning when I harvested haha. So anyway don't worry but once you get a night or two where it's below zero celcus or 30-35 F, than it's time to chop. Good Luck!
Hi dude... Wow you got a lot of information and you're a professional in the field. I really envy you for the purple color...congratulations... Is there any way I could send you some of my plants' photos? I really want you to see them.... Possible at all? and how?
Hi dude... Wow you got a lot of information and you're a professional in the field. I really envy you for the purple color...congratulations... Is there any way I could send you some of my plants' photos? I really want you to see them.... Possible at all? and how?
Thank you for the compliments friend! I am however not a professional in the field, I've spent many years researching online and practicing cultivating outdoor/some indoor. I would just keep an eye on your temps if the weather is forecasting below 0 for more than a night than pull em. Also watch for the white hairs to change color and/or receed into the calyx. Good luck and just post em up here dude, lot's of good opinions to choose from.
Thank you for the compliments friend! I am however not a professional in the field, I've spent many years researching online and practicing cultivating outdoor/some indoor. I would just keep an eye on your temps if the weather is forecasting below 0 for more than a night than pull em. Also watch for the white hairs to change color and/or receed into the calyx. Good luck and just post em up here dude, lot's of good opinions to choose from.
Hi again buddy... I was wondering if you could show me how to upload images here on this page! I have tried a lot but I couldn't succeed. I'm asking you again: How could I possibly send photos to you? And if the white hairs change color and/or recede into the calyx, then what?
Use the upload button, select the pictures to upload, once they complete, press the insert as thumbnails button