Immunity for State Department Worker in E-mail Case

LOL. You are right guy. you have nothing to fear. In fact you go ahead and fuck female prostitutes in the ass. You don't even have to use a condom. Go raw and enjoy.
That's what I heard. HIV from women can't reproduce. So he should go forth and not even worry about those sores around her mouth too. Big strong right wingers have nothing to fear. Pussy ass liberals use condoms.
so anyhoo, what is the least racist part about your desire to build a wall on the mexico border, especially in light of the fact that only about half of all illegal immigrants are mexican, and about half of all illegal immigrants come here legally?
Symbolic gesture that in the grand scheme of things doesn't cost that much.

I like how you phrase that. Only half are mexican you say. Well I take that to be true. But how do you think all the Salvadorans and other Central Americans get across, the Canadian border? The port of New York or Seattle?

No, they come up through Mexico.
Symbolic gesture that in the grand scheme of things doesn't cost that much.

I like how you phrase that. Only half are mexican you say. Well I take that to be true. But how do you think all the Salvadorans and other Central Americans get across, the Canadian border? The port of New York or Seattle?

No, they come up through Mexico.
About half of all illegal immigrants come here with an airline ticket and an entry visa. Maybe we should end all of that too.

Oh and KY causes AIDS. If you do it dry, you can avoid all of that.
About half of all illegal immigrants come here with an airline ticket and an entry visa. Maybe we should end all of that too.

Oh and KY causes AIDS. If you do it dry, you can avoid all of that.
It's funny how you belittle a cheap and easy solution that could take care of half the problem.
The wall is cheap and easy? Or stopping international travel is somehow desireable? What dooooo you mean?
Our budget is measured in hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars.

If someone came out and said they had saved whatever the cost of that wall would be from the budget over the next few years it would get a reso

unding 'big fucking deal.'

So don't act like the wall is expensive.

Plus a lot of the money would go to us companies and workers.

Furthermore the wall would pay dividends becuase how much does each illegal cost in terms of foodstamps, education, health care and anchor babies?
Our budget is measured in hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars.

If someone came out and said they had saved whatever the cost of that wall would be from the budget over the next few years it would get a reso

unding 'big fucking deal.'

So don't act like the wall is expensive.

Plus a lot of the money would go to us companies and workers.

Furthermore the wall would pay dividends becuase how much does each illegal cost in terms of foodstamps, education, health care and anchor babies?
Benefits are greater than costs.
And do you call all American citizens anchor babies, or just the ones with Hispanic parents?
Our budget is measured in hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars.

If someone came out and said they had saved whatever the cost of that wall would be from the budget over the next few years it would get a reso

unding 'big fucking deal.'

So don't act like the wall is expensive.

Plus a lot of the money would go to us companies and workers.

Furthermore the wall would pay dividends becuase how much does each illegal cost in terms of foodstamps, education, health care and anchor babies?
40 billion USD is maybe Trump change but not chump change. That wall will take years to build too. IIlegal immigrants from Mexico add more to the economy than they cost. In any case, the panic about illegal immigration is overblown. A lot of the panic and rhetoric can be traced back to an article by David Frum, a speech writer for Bush, currently sucking dick as a freelance writer to serve right wing causes. Facts are difficult for you but I'm going to lay this statement on you just to irritate:

"Legal immigration has always been much higher than the illegal kind, and illegal immigration is now close to zero. But Frum’s main argument is about legal immigration, and he effectively claims that some groups of immigrants are undesirable."

The issue regarding that wall is all about racist attitudes and nothing else.
Benefits are greater than costs.
And do you call all American citizens anchor babies, or just the ones with Hispanic parents?
Yes we benefit from some immigration. That's true. When you increase the rates you get diminishing returns. I'm fine with opening the border and letting people come in at will so long as they register and we know who they are. Whatever immigration policy we have is fine with me.

Explain to me how it's racist for a nation to seek to control it's borders and who can enter?

The allusion back to the early 18th century and before is stupid. The nation has changed.

I'm not opposed to anchor babies becuase of the baby. They can stay. It's the bullshit fact the their family get to come too that is absurd. They're not citizens.
40 billion USD is maybe Trump change but not chump change. That wall will take years to build too. IIlegal immigrants from Mexico add more to the economy than they cost. In any case, the panic about illegal immigration is overblown. A lot of the panic and rhetoric can be traced back to an article by David Frum, a speech writer for Bush, currently sucking dick as a freelance writer to serve right wing causes. Facts are difficult for you but I'm going to lay this statement on you just to irritate:

"Legal immigration has always been much higher than the illegal kind, and illegal immigration is now close to zero. But Frum’s main argument is about legal immigration, and he effectively claims that some groups of immigrants are undesirable."

The issue regarding that wall is all about racist attitudes and nothing else.

Donald says it is gonna cost around 10 billion. I believe him cause he is a builder!!
Donald says it is gonna cost around 10 billion. I believe him cause he is a builder!!
I believe you believe it. I believe you know about as much a he does too. Trump is a developer, not a builder. Four bankruptcies isn't exactly a vote of confidence in his financial acumen.
Yes we benefit from some immigration. That's true. When you increase the rates you get diminishing returns. I'm fine with opening the border and letting people come in at will so long as they register and we know who they are. Whatever immigration policy we have is fine with me.

Explain to me how it's racist for a nation to seek to control it's borders and who can enter?

The allusion back to the early 18th century and before is stupid. The nation has changed.

I'm not opposed to anchor babies becuase of the baby. They can stay. It's the bullshit fact the their family get to come too that is absurd. They're not citizens.
Explain how you come to the conclusion the US isn't controlling the Mexico border? Illegal immigration remains flat and appears to be decreasing. Have terrorist threats come from this direction? If we build the wall, do you think the war on drugs will in any way be affected by the wall?

Look at the vast uninhabited regions that wall will occupy. Do you really think that a drug smuggler can't get over or under it somewhere in those regions or are you planning to put a man on the wall every 50 yards, 24-7? This is an ineffective expensive boondoggle solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

The reasons given for building it ARE racist. Rapists, criminals, slackers coming here to have babies and living off welfare. That's what is racist about that wall.
Symbolic gesture that in the grand scheme of things doesn't cost that much.

I like how you phrase that. Only half are mexican you say. Well I take that to be true. But how do you think all the Salvadorans and other Central Americans get across, the Canadian border? The port of New York or Seattle?

No, they come up through Mexico.

so you're bigoted against all hispanics, not just mexicans.

that makes sense.
And what has Bernie done in his life other than spend money that wasnt his?

What a trite, uneducated answer. University of Chicago's first civil rights sit in was organized with the help of Mr. Sanders. Doubled voter turn out when he was the mayor of Burlington, Burlington become the first city in the US to fund community-trust housing, balanced the city's budget and kept it balanced, won reduced cable rates for the citizens of Burlington by suing the local cable company, he taught political science at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government (seriously, Trump has a fraudulent university hahahaha). He cofounded the Congressional Progressive Caucus and he passed more amendments than any other member during his time as a Representative. In his Senatorial race, he defeated his opponent who staged the most expensive campaign in Vermont's history, he then was given a 100% score by the NCAAP and NHLA. Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs 2013-2014, ranking minority member on the Senate Budget Committee 2015, and worked to rehaul the VA which was praised by John McCain and Jack Reed.

So he's done quite a lot, and this is only like half of the shit he's done.

Edited to add: He just won Michigan's Democratic Primary tonight too lol.