impeach obama petition

Dr. Pecker is it? Your name says it all. Please take your political views & post them in the Tea Baggers forums where they belong. Posts such as yours do nothing but promote negative ideology and discord. If I wanted to participate in a political debate I would go to the appropriate place to do so, not on a Michigan medical Cannabis forum. I come to this site to gain useful knowledge of which your posts are sorely lacking. Perhaps you didn't get enough attention as a child or maybe your wife ignores you, regardless in the future please resist the urge to stir up shit here.
Not a republican, but just as stupid i guess! Really, what alternate world do you assholes live in with your blind Obama hatred? Stupid, hateful animals - the whole worthless lot of you. White trash till death...
Dr. Pecker is it? Your name says it all. Please take your political views & post them in the Tea Baggers forums where they belong. Posts such as yours do nothing but promote negative ideology and discord. If I wanted to participate in a political debate I would go to the appropriate place to do so, not on a Michigan medical Cannabis forum. I come to this site to gain useful knowledge of which your posts are sorely lacking. Perhaps you didn't get enough attention as a child or maybe your wife ignores you, regardless in the future please resist the urge to stir up shit here.
Thank you for your kind comments.Thank you for not judging me.Perhaps i should take notes from you on how to be civil and kind to others.You seem like real nice compassionate people.
I am not affiliated with any political party. I posted this strictly for my amusement. If you could get mr oboma to tell eric holder to back off of mmj and declassify it then ill have this thread locked.

So whom and what was your post #18/multiracial comment about? Your integrity and intellect or someone else's bigotry?
At some point 'buck' deleted that meme picture thingy from his footer, and I believe that may have led to sOme confusion ...Guys :?

I don't mean to push the issue here, but I don't appreciate being called/insinuated a racist/bigot either. One day these baseless accusations of racism/bigotry will be seen as the racial epithet of prejudice bigots used to slander others that it truly is.
I don't mean to push the issue here, but I don't appreciate being called/insinuated a racist/bigot either. One day these baseless accusations of racism/bigotry will be seen as the racial epithet of prejudice bigots used to slander others that it truly is.

No one called/insinuated anything about you but on the other hand if you happen to feel that way then all means, own it...if you don't, then it was not directed towards you...not sure I can make it any clearer. I never had issue with you before not sure why you feel singled out? Perhaps the way it looks after the edit?

Surprised you fall for the smoke and mirrors designed to keep humanity separated & fighting amongst each other.

Being whiter than most white people I know...I used to find it a bit comical that people would confide in me their most ugly slurs or spew their hatful opinions on other cultures. Now it's just annoying & sad.

Usually I don't bother but memes like buck's should not go unchecked IMO.

Sorry to derail this thread...let's get back to getting Obama out of office cause that'll fix things.

Konnichiwa bitches :)
Obama will be out in '16 anyway...I choose GREEN!:weed:
Hope it's not Clinton replacing him -.- Typically the lesser of 2 evils for me will be the dem candidate, but that woman is like the Cheney of the left. Like she shouldn't really be alive but she's running on souls. Our souls :o


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You think obama is bad YOU just wait and see what happens if Hilary gets in.. SHits gonna hit the illuminatifan
I have feminists friends that would go crazy over that statement. Stoning is barbaric insanity. This is a pot forum, anything goes... do as you please. I'm just interjecting my opinion that there's nothing funny about stoning, nothing whatsoever at all. I like the Joe Cocker song though.
Fair enough. I was actually raised by a single mom that's quite a feminist herself, and there is absolutely nothing funny about stoning - men or woman. I'm not a sexist or heartless POS, just dumb enough to appear that way by speaking before thinking. Maybe ignorance is a better word than dumb. I'll work on it.
I like Obama, personally. And I'll vote for Hillary

The least evil of choices is what we're given
WERE ALL ENTITLED OUR OPINIONS. i just think if obama cannot give his true identity and explain why his falsified SSN comes from Connecticut when he never lived or breathed in that state.. Just saying oh he's not a muslim and never attended school in indonesia and was born in hawaii that there is no record of.. s
WERE ALL ENTITLED OUR OPINIONS. i just think if obama cannot give his true identity and explain why his falsified SSN comes from Connecticut when he never lived or breathed in that state.. Just saying oh he's not a muslim and never attended school in indonesia and was born in hawaii that there is no record of.. s
Oh man...:wall: You can't even join the secret service if you had debt issues or a shitty friend at one time...i really don't see a non US citizen becoming President -.-

If it's true tho, that's awesome lmao! What a story. Props to his PR team gawdamn.
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