Impossible! The deficit is falling as well as unemployment Obama wrecking economy

People that handed it over are fucking idiots...

"What gold, officer?"

That didn't actually happen. FDR had an executive order, which only concerns FEDERAL AGENCIES. A president CANNOT make LAW, ONLY congress can do that.

Most people just ignored it, NOt one single person ever went to prison or was fined.

The biggest problem was that it REMOVED gold from citizens and gave it to Bankers. The bankers have been using it as money between themselves and using paper debt as money for everything else.
That didn't actually happen. FDR had an executive order, which only concerns FEDERAL AGENCIES. A president CANNOT make LAW, ONLY congress can do that.

Most people just ignored it, NOt one single person ever went to prison or was fined.

The biggest problem was that it REMOVED gold from citizens and gave it to Bankers. The bankers have been using it as money between themselves and using paper debt as money for everything else.
I was merely being smart.

I could never give away my gold, if I had any, which I don't, (but I might) that is ;)
Do the bankers use physical between themselves still? I thought it was all SDR paper gold these days....glad I'm not a banker....I take physical delivery anytime I visit the coin cali its a 1500 min to avoid taxes.
Do the bankers use physical between themselves still? I thought it was all SDR paper gold these days....glad I'm not a banker....I take physical delivery anytime I visit the coin cali its a 1500 min to avoid taxes.
We've to pay VAT on silver, I'm in it for the long term tho so it doesn't really matter.

Imported stuff slips customs most of the time, so it balances out the delivery charges with me still in a profit (unless customs are being cunts).
Deny the truth then. That's on you. The truth is that you ASKED and I responded with the best answer I could possibly give.

I never said United States Notes weren't on the books, lawful money and legal tender AREN'T distinct things today, and I had to tell you what the law merchant was because you didn't understand. Get it right.

Ya you did. I would pull the quotes for ya if my gf wasn't so fucking hot.

Legal tender and lawful money aren't distinct things....that's why you are a bitch....I have proven that wrong beyond a doubt.....also holding a 1948 dime that I found in my pocket change that proves you wrong as well.

I didn't find it way back when....I found it TODAY making those things still very distinct TODAY.

Have you any clue how much silver can be found counting tills in a grocery store?

Wish I invented coinstar my glasses might not be so thick for having scanned down the sides of countless rolls of half dollars, quarters and dimes.....just look for a spot with no brown in it, easy breezy.....keep playing them stocks though Chief hope it works out for ya like Groucho Marx.
Lol I am a butcher and grow my own medicine and food. My little pinky is more productive than your bullshit will ever be. You should pay attention to successful models in life and economics..... me and my future wife have similar work ethic. We have saved enough during our young lives and will be building our own home soon, debt free. All from hard work that we saved. Oh yes, that's right. We saved the work, not the "money".

is that what you tell the IRS to get out of paying taxes?
Wish I invented coinstar my glasses might not be so thick for having scanned down the sides of countless rolls of half dollars, quarters and dimes.....just look for a spot with no brown in it, easy breezy.....keep playing them stocks though Chief hope it works out for ya like Groucho Marx.

"successful models in life and economics" don't generally resort to melting down pennies and living in trailers in the woods.