Improving native soil, amendments per sq. ft.


Active Member
The native soil in my area is mostly loam, so im planning on just adding some nutes and perlite to the top foot of soil. Ill be mixin in my nutes eqaully over the plot, so i wont be diggin holes for each plant (lack of time + plants arent feminised so ill still have to take out the males and this way i guess the females' roots will spread freely to the nutes in the soil where the males were). It's a guerilla grow so ill let nature do the rest of the work, except for some top dressing with bat guano later on.

My nute mix: 30lbs worm castings, 5lbs blood meal, 5lbs peruvian seabird guano, 5lbs bone meal and 5lbs bat guano. I'll add perlite, epson salts and dolomite lime depending on the surface of soil ill be able to amend with this amount of nutes.

So here's my question: how big should my plot be, how many sqaure feet should this amount of nutes cover to get some decent soil? The weather isnt great here so they wont be that hungry.

Thanks! :peace:

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Well I'm up early so let's take a look...

You can read the instruction on your nutrients to see what the proper placement amount would be.

Are you tilling this into your plot or planning on hand raking the shit out of it?

Perlite is good but would make the soil stand out to the naked eye, and tends to blow away in the wind. Vermiculite could be better, might not matter for you...

IDK man that's kind of hard to gauge just based on your nutrient amounts... Some will be time release so you want to go lighter on some then others.

Dolomite lime is like 1 cup per 100sq ft i believe...

What is your goal for yield?

Simple answer would be: read your instructions, do the math and that will tell you how much nutrients you can put in a given amount of space.


Active Member
Thanks for the input!

Im gonna till the nutes into the plot and cover up the amended soil with some regular soil so the perlite doesnt stand out. This has to be done by the end of this week, so i wont be able to get a sample tested in time.

I dont really have a goal for yield, I just wanna be self providing for the year and I have more than enough plants to cover my needs. Just want it to be some decent bud. I've grown in holes and pots before with soil mixes based on store bought soil, but this will be my first try usin native soil.

The only box of nutes thats meant for growin weed is my plagron bat guano, and it does have a recommended amount per sq. ft. I could use that as guideline. Its just that I have my doubts with recommendations given by the manufacturer, noone really seems to be takin them too serious you know :neutral: