Improving The native soil

Manure and compost in the fall, and a few nutes. That's what I do. Pots get Super Soil, but no more outdoor pots for me. That's what the ground is for. You don't need anything sepcial to grow pot. We have two volenteres here. One growing out of last years compost bin that's about 8' tall and one Christmas tree looking one skinny but loaded with bud about 6 feet tall growing out of the fire wood stack. I didn't do that much to the soil in the gardens, but it was ready to go in the spring.

In short, if vegis grow in your garden pot should grow there, too. There are a lot of unnecessairy things done to raise pot. It's like everyone thinks they have to grow show room quality bud. Feed it and keep the bugs off and you should do just fine in native soil.
Compost and top dressing like xtsho said. I'd add perlite and peat moss to mix personally. Native soils are sold to us in bags under many names. Grown a few without adding anything and they did fine. So go ahead and plant! Do what you want to amend or not!
Depends on the region. I live in farm country so our soil is great. I add some compost and a bit of peat, but even those probably aren't needed. Some areas though might be tough. If you have a lot of clay where you're at you are going to have issues with waterlogged roots. As stated above, cannabis doesn't like sitting in wet, muddy soil.
I make my own soil. It helps to know what you have to start with, like NanoGadget says.

For example, my topsoil is very bentonite-heavy, and sodic, so I struggle with compaction and poor root growth if I don't add specifically gypsum.
Compost and top dressing like xtsho said. I'd add perlite and peat moss to mix personally. Native soils are sold to us in bags under many names. Grown a few without adding anything and they did fine. So go ahead and plant! Do what you want to amend or not!
Should i break The soil with a spade or something and Then mixing with compost perlite and peat moss or put IT simply on the top of The soil
IMHO I wouldn't use perlite in the yard. Been there, done that.

Calcium bentonite, pebbles, lava rock and pumice are all good alternatives.