
Well-Known Member
So i guess after several yrs here i can admit to having been diagnosed by some psychobabble crapmaster via federal programs that i suffer from " mental illness" not shithouse crazy, but super impulsive, can become manic because i have found mania in the past quite invigorating....

Idk why cause rarely does mania end well for me. Id like to take the time to apologize to anyone i may have been rude or a douchebag too. I refuse to take the pharma theyd like me to take so i wont lie ive struggled reigning in my bullshit and for that i apologize. Now dont get me wrong.....if your a straight doucherocket as well as myself id like to resolve that right now. I struggle with impulse control. How about you?
Always loved Robin Williams. As funny as the man was, you could always see the torment in his face.
Thanks for all the laughs, brother. RIP !

so tormented
diving into insanity or mania via a shit ton of stims, lack of sleep and dissociatives is truly amazing.

high dose dxm, a little lsd, and a ouff or two of ganja at night ooooooh shit.

go into the depths, the dark trips. loose yourself in the melancholy wonderland.
everytime i blink im in a different setting, i can see clearly with my eyes closed, better than normal even.. wandering my house avoiding objects. with eyes open its a big shifting vibrating mass. blink again, im in a colonial house beautiful. i like this one *fights to not open eyes again and walks around.

let it sink in. time no longer exists, dosage we might be here a couple days..

it creeps, i recoil to the bed. i can no longer walk and crawling along the stretching floor is becoming impossible as i flop around.

finally get in bed, lay down.

my bed hovers, slowly spins asking where to go through its vibes. nyc i think, and i zoom across over heavy traffic and buildings in such accurate detail. pictures stored in my subconscious i assume.

but this is too base, and the drug knows it. it asks me, if i wanted to go up..

sure, im in your hands magic bed., speeding ino space looking at clouds of stars. in front of me the black eternity reveals a square of light, out of nothing a doorway opens. i study the door more than.whats inside, its made of space, but 3 dimensional, a couple inches thick. inside is beautiful, avatar type shit. i know if i enter looms some revelation, i can feel it. im scared. i like my pointless life, what if i cross and cant come back.
as soon as i think this i drift back down towards earth.. i know ill get another opportunity but im.not ready

my journey has now been roughly 12hrs in my head. maybe 3 irl

the drugs still kicking in. now comes the insanity. beauty and wonder is slipping away. my deepest thoughts and feelings float around me, i dont think .i see "read" a thought if you will as it passes by. these bubbles of life spin around me as i walk through emptiness. my body is numb eventually it disappears. im just a floating consciousness, no feelings of lust guilt or happiness. this portion of the trip lasts another 12hrs or so 3irl.. who am i? i continuously change form then return to my non existent state

thats where the fun begins

yall need to get hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh

i gots stories and trip reports for dadadays