Impure bubble hash


I made some bubble hash but the smoke coming from is thick and black. So, apparently there have gotten some fats from the plant material into the final product, caused by agitating the ice/weed mixture too much. i can't remember overdoing it but that's what the internet says the cause is.... I dried it until it's bone-dry so it's not moisture content.

Is there a way to purify it? Run it in ISO or something? It would be a shame to throw away 20 grams of bubble hash but I'm definitely not going to smoke it in this state.
i smoked leafs but never got black smoke :o....
well you could press it get resin.
you could use over 70% alcohol and extract the THC but unless you have a vacuum you will get black tar that will always taste like alcohol and i consider it like prison wine type of hash...

after you dried it did you use a bottle of boiling water and rolled it until it changed?
First time I experience this too. The stuff looks and smells great as usual, but now there's this heavy black soot smoke coming from it.
Roll it with a bottle of boiling water until it changed?? Never heard of that tbh but don't think that would make any difference.
Traditional hash often contains a lot of plant material. It's not a bad thing. The Afghan black hash I used to buy back in the 70's also put out the thick, black, sooty smoke. It was delicious! Really, really pure and refined bubble hash/rosin is great. I love it.....but it doesn't always have that richness of that soft, gummy black hash.

I've over agitated my bubble material, too. It still ended up tasting great and being very effective, but it just didn't have the look and it wasn't as completely melty as the less agitated stuff. And I also press my bubble hash with a bottle of hot water -a la Frenchy Canoli. And after it's flattened, I put it between two pieces of parchment paper and then into a Grove bag. It just keeps getting better and better the longer it cures!
Could press it if you had a press. It will remove some of it but the key for good rosin is good input. Idk its somethin.
Yields supposed to be good with bubble but idk much about it never done it I inly pressed dry sift and flower. If you dont want to ruin it might not be a good idea if you want good yield but Id risk it if you didnt care for it already as is.