reality shows. (especially jersey shores... i seriously cant believe they actually have a veiwing audience)
dependence on gps to get from one side of the town you grew up in to the other. (seriously... pull your head out of your ass and look where your going... if lewis and clark could get from st louis to seattle, before they were even built, without a map, i think you can find that new starbux)
interest based financing/credit. (whats that, i only make 40k a year but you will finance me for a 750k home... sure!)
network news. ( i could seriously give a rats ass about what brangelina did last week, giving the current state of affairs of the world.. thank god for bbc, npr, and other non mainstream network news sources)
Shock and Awe. ( i think the only people in shock and awe will be my grandkids... when they get the bill)
Offshore outsourcing (ok, here's a great idea... unemployment is @ a record high, so lets take all our manufacturing, and move it to 3rd world countries where skilled labor is a pipedream @ best and most people think ISO is some type of relief agency... keep that up for much longer and there wont be any money to buy those fabulous gadgets, because it will all be in mexico, china, taiwan, etc etc)
i could really go on for years about things like this, lmao... its funny but not funny...