In a Loft?


Active Member
Start small and simple I always say get a feel for it. Do a lot of reading on this forum and any others you use to get familiar with growing. Use like a 250W HPS some good soil and a closet


Active Member
Does your loft have a good air conditioner? I grew upstairs once and it simply became too much of a hassle to keep temps in check. I ended up moving downstairs. A grow tent definitely helps with the heat signature if that's what you're worried about. They also sell insulating covers for hoods that not only block heat signatures, but also lower the temps in the room.
It has no air conditioner, I was basically going to build an mdf box with a extraction fan and a intake fan built in. Hopefully I can get the tubes to go out side, but I'm only renting so don't want go tearing the roof apart!! Thanks for the input, if anyones got any tips I'd be pleased to hear them . . . or read them :)