In a pinch,Needs some advice.

I recently Moved from an apartment to a new house,and was foced to leave my grow tent with my friend in the apartment.

That being said,I'll continue to describe the room.

It is a rather small room with flat white paint on all walls,and has been light proofed.

Being that I no longer have a grow tent,and currently have 10 Autoflowering seedlings growing, I was wanting to know if they would be okay without the tent. I have them set in a corner with white cardboard and some mylar that i happened to have laying around for side walling,There is no reflective material,or anything over the top of the plants at all for that matter. The room stays very cool due to having 2 ac vents in the room,and ac is ran all day in my house,so Temps aren't a problem.

I am using 1 600 watt MH,and 2 17 watt flourescent grow lights,3 18 watt cfls.

Pictures aren't available right off hand because my fiance happens to have my camera for the evening.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you'll be alright, don't understand you problem, you have sufficient light for veg and plenty of room. You might need an other 600W light for 10 plants later on.
Just never had a grow without a tent, and needed some clarity on how efficient my lights would be since i don't have a top cover for the set up.

Thanks,DeeTee. First time on rollitup,and I will be taking some pictures later this evening and starting a journal on these babies. 3 auto blue berry,and 7 diesel ryder autoflowering plants.


Well-Known Member
theres no reflector on the 600? itll work but would be better with that at least. if you have that the top can be open and will help vent hot air out. as long as the room stays cool you will be just fine


Well-Known Member
That will be sweet your flat white wall's reflect as good or better than mose mylar corner's fine don't need top just get circulation down so no lack of Co2...You can make 2X2 frame and cover with panda hang and all set!!
Thanks guys, And yeah I have an air cooled wing reflector,It stays super cool and the temp in under the lights stays around 73-76 degrees f. plenty of circulation as I have around 4 fans blowing in the room and 1 oscilating fan on the babies.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
yea theyll be fine... you dont really need a tent if you got autos. the idea of a tent is to keep light out for normal strains.

id suggest you get another tent or build a grow room and stop running autos though.

Thats some pictures of the room,I'll start a seperate grow log for pics of the plants. Too lazy to take some shots of em up close right now,But now you guys can better see what I mean.

That is a 600 watt mh, 3 17 watt florescent grow bulbs,and 3 18 watt cfls. the temps remain cool and plenty of circulation.
Yeah,I was in the process of doing that. Just got done,its now centered in the box and the back wall was brought in a little bit,to make it a little smaller. Thanks for the input guys. I'll probably be starting a grow log for these seedlings sometimes this week,so stay on the look out.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
looks good.

For what it's worth though, you don't need to start seedlings in those giant pots. If you start em in half gallon pots you can keep em under one or two CFLs and not be running 700w of electricity for the first month.
Autoflowers are best started in the pot they will be harvested in. I may be wrong though,but I've read that a few times. Something about moving them will stunt their growth,and with such a short life span really fucks the yield up.


Well-Known Member
I see you've surounded you plants with what appears to be aluminum foil or mylar. I once read a article that said a white surface reflects more light than foil or mylar. I had mine surrounded with with foil and change to white surface and noticed that they were right, it does reflect more light, 'course that just my opinion.