In a very bad trouble need Professional HELP

Did you decide to start over? That would be my suggestion.
Maybe consider using an enriched soil medium.
Your garden has potential, but not with what your currently running. Start over.
I agree with resinhead. This is why I grow using Black Gold soiless mix. Waaaay less stuff to go wrong. I wouldn't don't even touch deep water culture unless I had a soil-based garden as a backup.
Did you decide to start over? That would be my suggestion.
Maybe consider using an enriched soil medium.
Your garden has potential, but not with what your currently running. Start over.
yes i think i will start over but with hydro, i have been with soil before and its to much work.

i am going to fix these things you guys have been talking about, i think the root of the problem is the water temp
yes i think i will start over but with hydro, i have been with soil before and its to much work.

i am going to fix these things you guys have been talking about, i think the root of the problem is the water temp
Yep, I would just be careful to keep things as sterile as possible. This upside to hydroponics is that you have more automation.. though the down side is that you have to keep things sterile similar to cloning. I learned with cloning bleaching everything before hand really helps. Best of luck!