Well-Known Member
Hey my babies are about 25 days into flower and i'm noticing a few mites what can i spray to not ruin my buds?
If this stuff works get it now! You need a knock down killer for these guys and you need to use it every 5 to 7 days for a total of 3 times, that's the breeding cycle. Once you attack them they go into breeding mode, get a 10 to 30 magnifier so you can spot the bastards early.If you can find it locally this is the stuff! It is called MIGHTY WASH.
supposedly safe up to harvest. It's ingredient list is something like 99% pure ionized water. It is a frequencey treated water with a minimal ammount of pyretherin in it. I have watched under a 25x scope just seconds after application and those little bastards die very quickly. I have found that a couple of follow up treatments about a week apart will make your infestation a non issue.
Dr Doom fogger, set it off in the room and 1-3 hours later(depending on room size) you can re-enter the room without any issues, its made from chrysanthemum extract. It does kill them but not their eggs. 12 days later bomb again, one fogger does many square feet , I've got a small room and had a tiny mite problem so I defeated the locking mech on the fogger and just sprayed what I needed by hand and left the room, haven't seen a mite since.Still having my problem with mites please this is my last efforts, there infesting i need help