This site shutting down was the push I needed to find new beans. I got jellysickle, masterpiece. Some freebies generous amounts of beans. I learned to look at the back end of things to know what to expect and chances per 5 pack beans. The prize youre looking for. I got screen shots.
IHG is pretty ok Im not hurt on the money blindly spent on the ones that might not be all that but not bad either. Might even be a gem. Instagram bud!
Mistakes were made playing with medium, I went all perlite and was using a wick.....but overall pleased with it.
I should have realized there were seeds bred to run 12/12! Browsing your site now.
ive never had anything from inhouse and when i saw blueberry bliss, i was stoked!
but i see the blueberry urkle parent is bleberry pancakes x urkle. i tried every bb strain from hsc and they were all just weak entry level stuff.