In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

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New Member
If theres anyone out in the cannabis world that could & would take some time to help me with a few growing questions. It would be so much easier to chat then to write a super long paragraph. If theres anyone out there I would so greatly appreciate it if they could lend me an ear & their wisdom I'd be greatly indebted. Please
I've kinda tried that but I cant really find a definitive answer. Believe me, I'm soaking up as much knowledge using (the internet) the endless supply of information but I get redirected and it's getting pretty aggravating. I just need a little help from someone
@PeterFitswell - my first suggestion is to simplify everything - it already sounds like you are making it more complicated than it has to be for a fully functioning happy, rewarding hobby. Start simple and dig in deep from there. all of growing can be simplified and boiled down to just 3 or 4 things - the light, the medium, the strain, and the nutrients.
Im probably not the guy to answer all your questions.
Sorry Boat guy, see on my 1st grow I needed some advice. Typed a very long message, put up many pics (on this forum) and ya know what? Not 1 single person looked my way and all I needed was a little help. I dont need someone holding my hand but I do have a cpl questions and I'd really hate to lose a plant in the middle of flower all because of lack of skill from being new to this. Maybe someone has 10 minutes to help a new guy. It's so much easier to talk then to go paragraph for paragraph, I'm sure u understand
@PeterFitswell - my first suggestion is to simplify everything - it already sounds like you are making it more complicated than it has to be for a fully functioning happy, rewarding hobby. Start simple and dig in deep from there. all of growing can be simplified and boiled down to just 3 or 4 things - the light, the medium, the strain, and the nutrients.
I appreciate ur info.
Just going to VM
Ok, I dont know if u need the 1 first but that's the #
I'm in Md
I think it was eight years ago I was where you are now. I got brain cramps reading about so many different ways of growing, and often contradictory advice just to really fuck with my head.

It's like everyone singing at the same time....only different nothing makes sense.

I finally latched onto a mentor that really helped me get through the growing pains of starting out. To this day I grow exactly how he taught me and I have really nice grows.

I would offer to do the same for you, but I'm not really on RIU very often. My only suggestion is to keep it simple in the beginning. Stay away from advanced growing techniques for your first 4-5 grows until you get a feel for how a plant grows. I personally like growing in soil. If you click on my signature there's my how-to somewhere in there.
@PeterFitswell - my first suggestion is to simplify everything - it already sounds like you are making it more complicated than it has to be for a fully functioning happy, rewarding hobby. Start simple and dig in deep from there. all of growing can be simplified and boiled down to just 3 or 4 things - the light, the medium, the strain, and the nutrients.

I'm having a bit of a hard time and would be great to make a fellow growing friend or 2 that I can actually talk to or video message etc.. I'm sure u can understand. Gotta cpl issues n a cpl quick questions but dont wanna write a book trying to paint a picture.
I think it was eight years ago I was where you are now. I got brain cramps reading about so many different ways of growing, and often contradictory advice just to really fuck with my head.

It's like everyone singing at the same time....only different nothing makes sense.

I finally latched onto a mentor that really helped me get through the growing pains of starting out. To this day I grow exactly how he taught me and I have really nice grows.

I would offer to do the same for you, but I'm not really on RIU very often. My only suggestion is to keep it simple in the beginning. Stay away from advanced growing techniques for your first 4-5 grows until you get a feel for how a plant grows. I personally like growing in soil. If you click on my signature there's my how-to somewhere in there.
Thank u for the kind words. I do have OCD and I catch myself trying to keep things simple. On my 2nd grow but really could use someone like ur mentor that gave u a chance. It would be so nice to have a close friend doin the samething that could swing by or give a call to. My brains usually mush at the end of the nite trying to figure things out and I'm a mechanic so half my job is diagnostics lol
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