In serious pain and really need advice. PLEASE HELP!!!


I use marijuana for pain control, I have Multiple Sclerosis. I'm currently growing White Rhino and Sweet Tooth (from seed) and they are 3 1/2 weeks into flower. Growing in 5 gallon buckets with FF soil and FF nutes under 400 watt HPS. Plants look healthy, all females.

My question is, how early can I possibly harvest?? I am in severe pain and I am out of pain meds. The pain is unbearable. When is the earliest I can harvest or at least clip a few buds?? Is there any way to speed flowering?? I'm not smokin just to get high, I'm a very patient person. Not wanting to fool mother nature or upset the ganja gods, I just hurt like hell and can barely stand it. Any advice anyone can offer would be truly greatful.

Here's some pics if that helps. IMAG0129.jpgIMAG0144.jpg


Active Member
I'm no expert, but if you go to the site where you bought the seeds, it will tell you the flowering time. From what I understand, harvesting early can effect your yield, as well as possibly other things such as taste and potency. I'm sorry about your pain, but the bad part about growing is it takes a lot of patience.


Well-Known Member
When the trichs are going amber is the best
i can recommend and hopefully its indica or at least indica dom.
Who knows maybe an uplifting high would put your mind on something more distracting then the pain
Aliens perhaps?


Well-Known Member
I also am trying to grow for the same reason you are and wish i could speed up the process i live on dilaudid and morphine and understand your problems very well. I am very sorry to hear you are in pain all the time i am too and it really sucks. I am a first time grower and wish i knew some way to help you just hang in there and things will get better. Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Harvest around 8-9 weeks. But if you need to you can pull buds at 5-6 weeks. Won't be the best and mostlikely harsh. Take the smaller buds deep in the plant first. That will let your bigger better buds grow.


thanks for the advice. They are both Indica dom. I have 3 going now. I'll do my best to wait it out but if I have to, I'll take samples from one and leave the other two alone. Other than mag def it's been fairly easy. (gave epsom salt and fixed my ph) I have the FF trio plus the solubles and Bushmaster. I've been following the schedule on FF site but started 1/4 strength. It's going well, just tough to be in pain while doing it. Thanks